What To Do In a Car Accident

Grant Botma


Every situation is unique. This is not an exhaustive or foolproof list of action steps that should be followed every time. It’s also important to note, this is not legal advice. However, this list can be very helpful. Hopefully, this information can guide you through some things to consider should you ever find yourself in a car accident.

Take Pictures
Most of us have an excellent camera on our cell phones. This can come in handy in the event of an auto accident. Taking pictures of the damage, vehicles, street, surrounding areas, and anything else impacted by the accident is a good idea. These pictures can help make the claims process smoother.

Do Not Admit Fault
Although the accident may be your fault, do not admit this fault verbally or in writing. In reality, countless factors could have caused the accident. Allowing for each factor to be properly investigated is wise. This practice can prevent erroneous negligence to be placed on you.

Call the Authorities
If anyone is hurt call 911. Above the insurance claims experience and legal liability is the health and well-being of others. Make sure anyone who needs help gets it. In addition, if the accident is not in a private place, calling a police officer to file a report is also helpful.

Be sure to keep your agent in the loop. A good insurance agent can give additional advice specific to your situation.

If you have questions about claims or what to do if you’re in a car accident, schedule time with me, I would happy to help!


This content was originally posted at https://moneywellrooted.com/2018/05/08/what-to-do-in-a-car-accident/



Grant Botma

Husband, Father, founder of Stewardship http://moneywellrooted.com . Life is about loving THEM (Mat 28:19). I seek to love people through finances.