
Welcome to my new website.

Stewart Green
Stewart Green
2 min readOct 17, 2016



On this site you can read my latest articles, find out about upcoming events and speaking engagements, read about my background and how I came into ministry for the Lord and find out about Heal Your Land, the organisation I minister through.

Whilst there are great problems in the church and society at present and whilst it would be easy to just bury our heads in the sand, I don’t believe that would be the right thing to do, nor do I believe that is what God would want of us. I am optimistic about the future. I believe that God is not finished with this nation. God wants to bring awakening to the Church that we would see the state of the nation and resolve to do something about it. It is up to the Church to arise, open their eyes and start preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and taking a stand for Biblical principles because that is what is going to impact the nation for God.

God has called me to be a watchman for the body of Christ, discerning signs and seasons and sounding the alarm to alert the Church of coming danger. It is a huge calling with a huge responsibility, but one that I am happy to answer the call of the Lord to.

My vision is:

To see the church awakened, believers standing firmly on biblical principles, rejecting compromise and passionately desiring revival for the United Kingdom.

I pray that what I say and write will be a blessing, challenge and encouragement to you. If you would like to contact me, then please fill in the form on the contact page or if you would like to find out more about booking me for an event, then you can find out more information on the booking page.

Thanks for dropping by and be sure to share the articles on social media with friends and your church as well as like my page on Facebook. Together with God’s help, a fresh commitment to the word of of God and seeking the Lord in prayer, we will see the Church restored and the nation revived.



Stewart Green
Stewart Green

Follower of Jesus promoting Biblical principles & rejecting compromise | discerning signs & seasons | Founder @healyourlanduk