7 Trends in Developing Great Managers

Daniel Stewart
Lessons for Leaders
7 min readSep 18, 2017
Credit: Deposit Photos

The following seven trends highlight what the best organizations are doing today in effectively developing managers. These key trends come from our work with many clients and best practice research.

Using these principles as a check list to create and evaluate management development efforts will help ensure talent investment is optimized, organizational results are achieved, and managers are prepared for success.

Managers are in a unique position as they translate, mediate, and execute, on a daily basis the direction from senior leaders, while addressing obstacles and challenges from their on-the-ground teams. They ride the often turbulent air between strategy and tactics as they interpret vision and communicate priorities to get the right things done.

Also, they are often the reason for change to succeed or fail because they provide the conduit of information, feedback, and action to those who are doing the work — with just enough knowledge and authority to decide what to stop, start, and continue doing. Additionally, managers are usually not asked to create strategy, but they must understand it enough to help the front-line employees implement it.

The bottom line is managers are key to getting work done. Developing managerial capability can improve alignment, engagement, accountability, results, and prepare stronger future leaders. The following are seven trends in building strong managers.

Align Talent Development with Business Strategy: Focusing on company-specific business strategies in management programs provides the right context and application to benefit the manager and the organization. It also helps ensure that business and talent decisions are equal in importance and attention. Using real case studies, current business challenges, and actual strategic priorities will make the management development more relevant and effective. In the end, tailored content that is connected to the organization’s goals, versus off-the-shelf material, is preferred because it incorporates the culture and business needs that are unique to accomplishing the organization’s business strategy.

Key Question: How is program content personalized to support business strategy?

Define Tailored and Aligned Management Competencies: Successful management development programs use tailored and aligned to competencies for each level of management. For example, an organization may have one leadership or management competency model for all levels, yet clearly identifies behaviors that are unique to each level. Each level of development then builds on the next, from Foundational (first-level manager), Intermediate (mid-level manager), and Advanced (senior-level manager). Managers are clear on what is expected of them, how the competencies look in the real world (within their specific organization), and what to develop to reach the next level at each transition point.

Key Question: How are level specific competencies used to build and evaluate the program?

Match Investment with Value of Potential Contribution — Treat People Differently: It is important to select and invest in the right people for development. Increased investment of time, resources, and budget needs to be matched with the level of expected value each manager will provide. In other words, don’t treat everyone the same. For those in critical positions or who are seen as high potential, the development investment needs to be higher. They are the ones who should be strong candidates for robust development opportunities with these four criteria in mind:

1) How they display the required competencies

2) Their personal attributes and career desires

3) Their professional and technical knowledge

4) Their past experience and background

Using these four criteria combined with a desire to invest more in those who are in current or future critical positions will help organizations select and develop the right managers.

Key Question: How are the right managers selected for development opportunities?

Integrate with People Development Processes — More than just Having Software: One of the best ways to sustain management development is to link development efforts with other people development processes: performance management and goal setting, succession planning, and recruitment and selection. The processes need to have similar language or competencies that support each other. This is far more than merely having a software system in place that houses leadership data. It is implementing regular talent review sessions, syncing up business goals with development goals, and recruiting people who want to excel in an improvement oriented culture. This will also build development as a cornerstone of the culture and help sustain development efforts.

Key Question: How do human resources systems and processes support management development programs?

Develop Strong Executive Engagement: One of the most important practices for developing managers is for senior level leaders to be engaged in the manager development process. This can be shown in many ways including executive kick-offs, leader led facilitation or co-facilitation, internal mentoring, shadowing, networking socials, personal notes and email, one-on-one follow up conversations, individual action plan creation, assigning to new challenges, and providing a safe environment to share new ideas. Overall, it is important that senior leaders are involved in the creation of the content, the selection of who will be developed, and the identification of their next assignment.

Key Question: How are the senior leaders active and visible in management development?

A Blended Approach is Best: Good management development is far more than instructor-led training. The best management development programs are a combination of focused classroom instruction, individual 360 and/or personality assessments, action planning, one-on-one and/or group coaching, peer learning groups, action learning assignments, and follow up meetings or assignments after the program is over. Creating multiple learning approaches, especially with experiential learning, enable the participants to learn in a variety of ways and to have the messages reinforced over an extended period of time.

For example, The National Basketball Association (NBA) designed a blended leadership program to train the company’s middle managers1. The program format includes five components described as follows:

· Kick-off — A ½ day in the classroom for an introduction to the program.

· On-line Instruction — A 3-week period for learners to complete six hours of e-learning.

· Classroom Instruction — A day workshop that summarizes the online training and provides opportunity for application, practice and exercises.

· Review and Coaching — Three follow-up review and coaching sessions to address principles learned in the course and to help work through any difficult situations.

· Three Month Review — After 3 months, a one-hour in-class “refresher” course is conducted for the learners to discuss how they have been using the leadership models in their everyday challenges.

Key Question: How is the program using multiple approaches to apply and sustain learning?

Peer Learning Customizes Development: When designing management development programs, incorporating peer learning elements can create rich opportunities for growth. This involves more than having a group or partner debrief after an activity. Optimizing peer learning involves building a safe environment with clear instruction so managers can provide personalized insights for each other. For example, JetBlue Airways assigns leaders into Learning Groups at the beginning of their management programs and teaches them how to effectively give and receive feedback. Each group has six Learning Partners who are asked to observe each other throughout the program and then provide positive and constructive feedback to each other at the end. They also have videoed team experiences that are reviewed together as a group, allowing each team member to provide and receive personalized feedback from their peers.

Key Question: How is peer learning incorporated in management development activities?

Investing in these seven trends to develop your managerial talent will positively impact alignment, engagement, accountability, results, and ultimately prepare your future leaders to accomplish great things in the future!

Sources: 1 http://joshbersin.com/2008/01/leadership-development-the-six-best-practices/, www.ddiworld.com/9bestpractices-tm

Note: This article was originally published on Linkedin



Daniel Stewart
Lessons for Leaders

President of Stewart Leadership: An international leadership, teaming, talent, and change management consulting company. Building leaders for over 35 years.