ron johnson
Published in
1 min readFeb 25, 2018


At first they came after the words “he” and “she” and replaced it with “it” and the people were silent. Now major universities are coming after the word “man.” Think about it, the word “man” has become banned in America. This constant reinforcement of gender neutrality looks like brainwashing, to influence young people into thinking that traditional sexuality is somehow passé. That its no longer acceptable to be “manly” and instead we should all be feminized like the new CNN starlet David Hogg.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, now with the new en vogue snowflake censorship campaign rocking the social media world, even staples of independent journalism like Infowars have been forced to capitulate and promote the homosexual agenda on their very own show…

The radical left will not be satisfied until every media outlet echos their insanity. And if you protest you’ll be banned just like STFN. So welcome to the new world, welcome to feminized society… brought to you by the marxist communist extremists on the left. Push back and grow a pair America. If you’re reading this, you are the resistance!

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