ron johnson
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2018

You’ve certainly heard by now that screwTube has banned STFN from their cyber premises… For over a year we’ve been harassed by the cult of google and their horde of antifa admins. Constantly flagging videos for offending the brain cooked meth head snowflakes watching youtube late at night.

In any case its a sad day for every American whether they knew STFN or not. Because today it wasn’t just one channel that went down… it wasn’t just the 150,000 subscribers that were never notified of the decision to have their say… it wasn’t even the over 10,000,000 comments logged by users whose voice was instantly suppressed. It was the attempt of a known occult brand (like google) to silence a pro-Christian pro-American channel on American soil… No constitution, No due process only the execution.

Never forget that our country is the last stand for Christianity, ladies and gentlemen. Every other country is full blown militant atheist occult or hard core pagan. If we go, humanity goes. No other country is coming to save us from ourselves… So we cannot let the censorship, the indoctrination or brainwashing continue… or the world will be lost.

But it gets worse, now it seems like fakebook is pulling our videos as well and telling its 750,000 subscribers that Stranger Than Fiction News has banned them.

STFN has received thousands of complaints from subscribers around the world regarding the censorship being waged by beast system media and company. In some cases they’re finding they’ve been involuntarily unsubscribed to our channel… and today when they banned STFN 150,000 people were unsubscribed by an occult fascist organization known as gloogle/ screwtube.

Given the situation the only thing we can do is become a blockchain media node and promote blockchain democracy. We must work around the tyranny before they unleash their silicon transhuman agenda and plug everyone into the matrix.

Check out our daily broadcast at 4pm CST on our new website…

