Antelope Island, UT

Outside the wheelhouse

UX Dailies

Jac "Jake" Madsen
Published in
1 min readOct 6, 2018


It’s good to be out of your comfort zone. It stretches you. Really exposes the edges of your abilities; the places where you can expand or choose not to go. Sometimes you put yourself out there because you recognize an opportunity for growth. You start on pet projects and tuck little bits into your proverbial tool belt for later use.

Sometimes you get shoved out of the wheelhouse out of necessity; You have to operate in full crisis mode; you have a team depending on you to figure things out. This is when you don’t just gain new tools. No. You grow in ways you could not imagine. You find out things about your character. You probably write those things down and take a hard look at them when you get a minute to breathe. Those things are good. Really good. Sometimes bad. I hope not too bad.

The discomfort will awaken in you, memories you’d forgotten; perception you weren't aware of; realizations that are key to success. But you’ve got to go through that discomfort Jac. Everything you want and need is in there. It’s in there and on the other side.

Just remember to breathe buddy.



Jac "Jake" Madsen
STG UX Dailies

Friendly Human & Designer, crafting digital products in Utah