Press Forward Together

Tommy Bay
STG UX Dailies
Published in
1 min readOct 11, 2018

Today we decided to simplify a ‘First contact’ field that we were going to add to our 3.0 release. After hashing it out for 30–40 (after scrum) with the product manager, solutions manager, analyst, and most of the mobile devs, we settled on using the “system creation date” instead–a piece of data we already have. We’ll show that date as a system entry on the teaching record timeline. We’ll also add a sort option to ‘sort by creation date’.

This illustrates something that I really love and admire about this team. Despite how turbulent the waters of product development, we take time to council together when we have concerns. I believe that everyone here feels empowered to push back when something doesn’t seem right or when they don’t understand why we’re doing something. We ask for help when we’re stuck. And once a decision has been made, we tend to accept it and press forward together.

It has truly been a gift to learn how a healthy, functional team can be. And I’m grateful to have experienced such solid leadership so close up.

