
Rick Vang
STG UX Dailies
Published in
1 min readOct 24, 2018

Yesterday it took me two and a half hours to implement a single line of code.

Array.indexOf() > -1) {doSomething};

After getting my feature to work, I head home with my head held low, and the question of why it took me so long to do something so simple?! The craziest part of it all is that every developer has been there. We go so deep down the rabbit hole that sometimes the simplest things are the hardest.

I’m first to admit that I’m a mediocre developer, but the drive to get better is always there. While the feeling of self-doubt is high at the moment, it is what drives me to become better. I’ll be doing some advanced javascript, and polymer tutorials in my free time to make sure I get better.

Nobody’s perfect. If anything, all we have is time to learn. Don't squander the opportunities you’re given because you’re uncertain. Take them in stride and do your best.



Rick Vang
STG UX Dailies

Product Strategist / UX Designer / Front-End Developer