Welcome to the spin cycle: A business lesson learned from surfing

STG UX Dailies

Jac "Jake" Madsen
STG UX Dailies
2 min readOct 17, 2018


Location withheld. Sorry.

In every protagonists journey, there is a point at which they realize that they are interacting with the world based on a set of rules and assumptions that aren’t quite right, inelegant, or even clumsy. This is normal. This is a sign of progress. It’s known as a sophomoric experience.

Greek sophos wise + mōros foolish

I get to these places where I recognize that I’ve been doing it all wrong not infrequently. I realize I haven’t been listening to my own advice. I’ve been a wise fool. Again, this is normal.

I’ve been pushing things around inelegantly lately. And while I’m making some headway, I’m noticing some of the people around me getting a little uncomfortable. I’m moving cheese when it would be better if that cheese was moved by its owner. I might be clumsy.

This is what I learned again today. Ask a 3rd party. “What should I be focusing on?” This question is even better asked of a manager, or mentor type. Where should I be tightening up my game?

I got handed a reading list 3 books deep. I said “this should keep me busy for awhile.”

“Lot’s more where that came from,” was the reply.

Apparently there is a lot I can still tighten up. #challengeAccepted

In surfing, you will inevitably get caught up in the spin cycle. It’s a state of being caught up in the most violent part of the wave. You get caught up and tumbled forward and caught up and tumbled forward like a rag-doll desperately trying to figure out why this white foamy water doesn’t let you breath or swim or demonstrate the basic understanding of principles like “up.” It can be a terrifying 8 seconds of disorienting physics that demonstrate the laughable smallness of the human body when squared off with the forces of nature. And we’re only talking about the a little 3–4 ft waves here.

When you get caught up in the spin cycle, you have 3 jobs:

  1. Calm yourself
  2. hold your breath
  3. Get anchored in the green water

When as a professional you find yourself flailing about:

  1. Calm yourself
  2. Take a deep breath
  3. Get your head anchored to a strong group of mentors and allies

I’ve got three resources I rely on, found in the clients I work with at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the UX group at STG, and I can’t leave out the generous community at Product Hive either.

When I get to a point where things get confusing or I feel like I’m missing something, these groups are there for me. They are my green water.



Jac "Jake" Madsen
STG UX Dailies

Friendly Human & Designer, crafting digital products in Utah