Attracting young talents : choose the best interns and hire them !

Paul @SThree
SThree Careers
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2019

At SThree we strongly believe in young potentials ! Meritocracy has always been key to us and it doesn’t take a lot of experience to show sincere motivation and to succeed in your professional life ! The majority of our managers and directors started in the company as Trainees and climbed the ladder to get where they are now.

I have the chance to work within a company which invests time and efforts for our interns. I, myself started in the company as an intern before getting hired as a Talent Acquisition Consultant. I realised that SThree gives a lot of responsibilities to their interns and they are considered as real members of their team.

In order to meet future graduate students for our sales & recruitment teams, we build strong partnerships with schools : we participate to job and (virtual) career fairs, we organise workshops on How to Brand your CV and How to brand Yourself on LinkedIn, we attend interview simulation sessions…We have at least one event per quarter with a selection of preferred schools.

Attracting young graduates and being an employer of choice is a must for us.

Our latest event was unique & innovative : I received a “Carte Blanche” from my manager to organize an event in our offices. The objective : create awareness about SThree and attracts interns for 2019.

All the managers and directors immediately showed interest and enthusiasm for the initiative. We set a date, I found a name “Find Your Internship Now”, created flyers and an online register platform to appeal to gen Y. The only thing left for me to do was find potential interns to attend to my event :).

I set myself a goal: if we have a minimum of 10 participants, I’m happy!

To give the event more visibility, I used the existing partnerships we have with different universities plus I invited my colleagues for some flyers distributions on school campuses. I was not sure this approach would be successful…

I’m happy to report that 24 participants showed up on D Day and the success of this event lies on several reasons :

1. The relaxed environment : it was a casual Friday, the managers wore jeans and sneakers, they made a short and fun speech and showed their true personalities.

2. We offered our attendees a yummy breakfast :).

3. The speed dating interviews that followed the presentations made it possible for the future interns to be themselves ! We believe in transparency and honesty and try to be as close as possible to real-life situations during our interview processes. This event made it possible to be natural and avoid awkward ‘old school’ interviews.

The outcome of the event : 10 candidates were invited to have a 1st interview and 5 of them were hired : 4 as interns + 1 job student. We are super happy to welcome them as from February 2019 !

Are you looking for an internship ? Finishing your internship and looking for a first job ? And even if your last internship was a few years ago, get in touch with the Talent Acquisition team today to tell us what is your situation and your wishes. Write to !

Article written by Caroline, Talent Acquisition Consultant for Belgium & Luxembourg.

