Marie, Sarah and Sixtine from our brand Progressive

Take a look into Progressive through the eyes of Marie

Paul @SThree
SThree Careers
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2019


Imagine, you are a young Flemish student looking for your first job. Currently living in a small flat in the south of Brussels applying to all sorts of opportunities : Communication Associate, Recruitment Consultant and even Librarian. Suddenly your phone rings…

“Hi, I just received your application and if you have a moment I would be happy to have our first chat.“

Damn ! Which application is he talking about ?

“Sure, let’s talk !”

This was Marie Degreve’s first contact with Progressive and at that time she had no idea that she would find a company where she could have a career of over five years with four different promotions and that she would be managing more than 10 people.

Football game in Anderlecht between friends

How is Progressive ?

Take up a loop and let’s zoom in on Progressive Brussels ;

There is a constant working buzz, people from different backgrounds make up the sales floor and you will hear different languages. You’ll see a PlayStation, target boards and sometimes hear people scream out with joy when they close a deal.

On this open sales floor you can also find the team leaders and the business unit managers. They are not in a closed off office and they always take part in the teams’ activity.

“First it was overwhelming and now I can’t imagine being somewhere else.”

This is what Marie saw when she first arrived at Progressive Brussels and why she chose to take up the challenge within this team.

Failing is part of the game !

However, let’s be honest, a job within recruitment is not always consisted of ‘rainbows and butterflies’ it is about how you get up and learn following a failure.

In Marie’s first weeks a blunder was made and helped her grow into a better recruiter after the fact. She had send out a candidate’s CV to the wrong person. Of course the candidate was mad and Marie, who wanted to be great in her job, felt terrible. Her manager at the time had to take over and resolve the issue.

“Is there a hole in the ground I can crawl into ?”

She got up from this mistake and it definitely made her a quality oriented recruiter. Now she teaches her team members the importance of qualitative work and stays calm facing difficult situations. It is all about the getting up at Progressive and not about the fall.

What lies ahead ?

Looking back now on her career within Progressive, Marie can honestly say there are a lot of career opportunities. Her job provides her with an overwhelming energy and she feels at her place.

“I was such a goody two-shoes when I started, I evolved so much since then.”

Just promoted to Senior Team Lead and running a team of more than 10 people now ; she has the aspirations to continue her path, keep on recruiting, grow her team’s business and develop her team members into specialised IT recruiters.

Marie with some of her team’s members

Would you like to be the next Marie ?

Do you want to have more information about Progressive and our other brands within SThree ? We are hiring Recruitment Consultants in Brussels and Antwerp ! Feel free to contact us :

Article written by Kara, Talent Acquisition Consultant.

