Training, coaching & assessment : your onboarding program at SThree !

Paul @SThree
SThree Careers
Published in
4 min readApr 23, 2019


It is done ! You have signed your contract to join SThree ! You are officially starting a new adventure within recruitment on the STEM market (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). You can feel the excitement towards the challenges that await you : new company, new way of working, new manager… and maybe even a new job altogether. Naturally a question arises : will I make it ?

1. Learning & Development : a team dedicated to your training

No panic, a team of experts is there to guide you ! Remember one thing, there is no recruitment school, there is no perfect diploma or background you can have to start within recruitment.

SThree has acquired know-how as they have been giving trainings for a long time. Furthermore, SThree wants to provide an excellent service towards its employees. We dedicated an entire department to achieve first-rated training : Learning & Development (also known as L&D).

2. Meet Saïd, your future coach at SThree

Saïd will be one of the first people you will meet from our L&D department. He is our Sales Development Coach for Belgium and Luxembourg ! You will be under his wings for your first trainings upon your arrival.

He is 29 years old, is fond of travel, superheroes and science-fiction which provide him a look into the approaching future. He has five years of experience within L&D as a trainer, coach and auditor. His moto ? Sharing by having fun !

“Training opens the door to success !” — Saïd

3. Ask about the program !

Within your first week at SThree, you will have your first encounter with Saïd to get to know each other. He will also provide you a clear view of how the training program enrols and arrange your first training days. This program is called “RecruitFit” and split in three parts.

3.1 Training

Learning the walk before the run ! You will be invited, along with other starting colleagues, for a five day training program dispersed over two months:

· Two Candidate focus days

· One SThree Service focus day

· Two Client focus days

Good news : at SThree your training journey will be filled with role plays, brainstorming, games and even some dancing ! Say goodbye to the ‘boring-sleepy-eyes’ trainings !

Training session with Saïd in Brussels

“I want to give a training experience filled with unique techniques, tools and information based on “experiential learning” along with getting to know your colleagues and SThree” — Saïd

3.2 Coaching

Once you earned your stripes, make room for coaching ! This means you will have different meet-ups with Saïd where he will provide guidance, support and continue developing your skills regards client and candidate management. After each meet-up there is also a debriefing you will know where your weaknesses lie and how to overcome them.

“Coaching at SThree is advising our consultants and providing a non-directive coaching style. We often already know the solution and just need a small push !“— Saïd

3.3 Assessment

This is a high-level role play where you ‘play’ yourself (a Recruitment Consultant at SThree) and one of your manager will be playing a candidate and/or a client. Your task will be to qualify and identify their needs. Saïd will be listening along and provide you with the necessary feedback to evolve towards greatness!

4. Your turn

There you go ! After six months you have finished all the different trainings and have everything in your hands to achieve success as a Recruitment Consultant at SThree. Saïd will still be in the shadows to overview your career progress. Other trainings are up for grabs and L&D constantly works on creating new projects as the Evolution program (Management level, clients and candidate development, Key Account management…) because you can never stop learning !

Are you interested to kick-start a career within recruitment ? Join SThree in Brussels, Antwerp or Luxembourg ! Contact us here

Article written by Paul (Employer Branding) and translated by Kara (Talent Acquisition)

