Developer’s blog: 2018 roundup

Stick Sports Ltd
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2018

Wow, time flies when you’re having fun! 2018 is coming to an end and what better way of celebrating than reminiscing with all of you, everything we have achieved this year? One of our New Year’s resolutions is to engage more with our audience. We want to have a two-way conversation with our users and we’ve already taken steps towards this! We’ve setup a Telegram group where you can talk to the Stick Sports team directly. Get in touch with any suggestions you have for our games… or even if you just want to say hi. Any complaints can be sent to EA Sports instead.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you, but in the meantime, let’s take a look at everything we’ve been up to so far:

Stick Sprint

After a two year hiatus, we released a brand new Stick Sports title: Stick Sprint. Originally a small team, they worked passionately & diligently to refine and polish this revolutionary mechanic. There are many racing games out there, but we wanted to make something different and simple to play, but hard to master. Soon enough there were hundreds of test tracks and racing modes — the best of these are now in the game.

And that’s how Stick Sprint came to life! A car racing game that combines different racing categories in settings and scenarios that would be impossible in the real world without any threat, injury or cost of repair. The game, suitable for all audiences, targets the casual gamer, but also a public that is slightly different from Stick Sports’ general audience: sprint car racing enthusiasts. This represented a challenge for us, as we were venturing ourselves in previously unexplored and “cricket-less” lands. Even though the team in Sydney knew it was time to try something new and felt like motorsports needed a new refreshing take, it is always a little nerve-racking to launch a new sports game, as we never know how our audience will react.

Stick Cricket Super League

Two years after its debut, Stick Cricket Super League remains the highest rated cricket game on the App Store and Google Play! On the weekend of the IPL final, Super League was the most downloaded sports game on Google Play in India as those not taking part in Mumbai — including those exiled to Canada — tried desperately to win a Stick Cricket trophy instead.

As well as feverishly sandpapering away at the code to keep it bug-free, this year we’ve also introduced the ability to back up your Super League career progress. If you’re an Australian cricketer and would prefer to forget all about recent performances and start from scratch, you can still do that too.

We have big plans for Super League in 2019. We even considered changing the innings length to 100 balls. Then we sobered up and realised it was a ridiculous idea.

Stick Cricket next generation

Right after Stick Cricket Super League, we realised we had to up the game and give our fans something epic. 2019 will not only be a massive year for cricket but will also be massive for Stick Cricket. We are heads down working on the biggest, best and most technically advanced cricket game. Featuring a brand new advanced batting engine incorporating state of the art Artificial Intelligence, a massive new team of 3D characters and a challenge system that will bring you fame and fortune.

The game will be not only 3D but also multiplayer, so get ready to kick arse online! We also plan to give our users the opportunity to have an entire digital locker room stocked with all the essentials of a cricketer: bats, gloves, shoes, helmets, thigh pads, etc. We have many surprises lined up for you, but Sticky won’t let us tell you about it just yet…

Our plans for 2019

To keep on killing it.

We’re just kidding (not really). We have a lot of great content coming up next year alongside major sporting events like the cricket World Cup, the Ashes, and the Tennis grand slams to name a few. One of the most exciting projects on our pipeline involves blockchain technology. The truth is, we’ve been going Crypto Crazy at Stick Sports London in 2018! Looking at how the latest blockchain technology might allow us to bring some fantastic new features to the games we produce. Just imagine how cool it will be when you can use your own bat in Stick Cricket. All to come very soon…

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Stick Sports Ltd

We create industry-leading mobile sports games, and we're about to launch a rebooted version of Stick Cricket utilising blockchain technology. Read on…