How ADHD Medication Will Change Your Life

What I’ve Learned from One Year of Taking Stimulant ADHD Medication



Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes, all the links are referencing scholarly articles and scientific studies to give you the most unbiased and accurate information, it’s something I strive with in all my work. However, I am not a doctor and for everything pertaining to your health, your doctor should always be contacted and referred to. I am not responsible for the choices to make with your health.

Photo modified in Canva from Unsplash by
Towfiqu barbhuiya

Table of Contents

The Introduction
A Quick rundown of ADHD
The Changes
Candy Doesn’t Taste the Same.
My Anxiety is Decreasing
Shopping is a Much More Pleasant Experience
Unsurmountable Chores turn into Achievable Tasks
I drink a lot less coffee (and alcohol)
So what does this all mean?
Supplemental Information

The Introduction

To begin, I’ll share just a few things to make your understanding of my perspective clearer.

  1. I was diagnosed with ADHD about two…




French Canadian artist, writer and fan of Celine Dion (obviously.) — Advocating for mental health and neurodivergence through self improvement and science.