This week in Sticky (2)

Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2020

You asked, we listened. You can now set stock in the dashboard. Here’s how it works:

  • New products have 0 stock
  • Products with 0 stock (like a new product) can’t be purchased; consumers see “Out of stock” on a disabled buy button
  • Stock gets automatically decreased when products are bought and the transaction is completely finished

We added a payments tab showing payments over all applications/products as they happen. Until now you could only see this by viewing events for applications or products one-by-one.

Our floating cart is beautiful, but not all the time. Consumers can now collapse/expand the cart to increase their screen real estate.

You can now customize the full domain that Stickyretail apps serve from. We have added domains and, allowing you to use domains like and are still available and the default is still

‘Hear a joke’ stickers demo the first Sticky app ever, which needed some love as the code was deeply baked into our own API and site. We rebuilt this properly using “client logic” and removed ~300 lines of tech debt. These stickers now show jokes much, much faster.

You can now ask for a consumer’s phone number at checkout.

Our payment gateway now emails Sticky-branded emails to consumers if we have their email. If you want to guarantee a receipt is always emailed to a consumer, always turn on “What’s your email” in your applications’s “Checkout questions”. They won’t be asked for their email if they’ve provided it before.

The first rule of war is “Never march on Moscow in winter”. The second is “Direct all traffic to you site, not to others’”.

We now host all our blog posts on our website. We’ll still post them to Medium.

  • We fixed a bug where a payment may not have shown in the dashboard due to a race condition
  • We now show you the raw IP address of an event if it’s your event
  • You can edit product video URLs/video poster URLs in the dashboard (“Live your life, make videos”)
  • We added useful banners for edge cases where things may not be working like you want, for example when a sticker references an application that doesn’t exist, or you’ve written both application client logic and routing logic

Originally published at



Editor for

I’m a deep tech founder and I care about ubiquitous computing, hyper-personalisation, semantics and building the future.