Stile’s 2020 Webinar Series for teachers

Jaclyn Rooney
6 min readMar 18, 2020


Webinar recordings

‘Getting ready for 2021’ webinar

Preparing your digital resources to go from one year to another can feel a little overwhelming. Watch our webinar where we show you best practice for using Stile year-to-year. We cover archiving classes and subjects, saving student data and getting your subjects ready for 2021 so you can have a work-free summer!
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.


‘Making feedback more effective: an introduction to Key questions’ webinar

It can be time-consuming to provide feedback. Using our latest feature, Key questions, you’ll spend more time providing feedback on just a few critical questions, thereby enhancing its overall quality, timeliness and effectiveness. Watch our webinar where we chat with Marta, our Head of Content, about how Key questions will make leaving feedback quicker and easier than ever!
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

‘Breakfast brush up: talking with Stile’s Head of Product’ webinar

2020 has been a cracker of a year! The team at Stile have been working harder than ever to support you during the rollercoaster ride of challenges we’ve faced…Watch our webinar where Charlie was joined by Clare, our Head of Product, to catch up on all the updates we’ve made to Stile, and get a sneak peek at what’s coming next!
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.


‘Teaching science inquiry skills in Stile’ webinar

Scientific inquiry skills are a key element underpinning scientific literacy, and have a high level of transference into student’s real world experiences and daily life. Watch our webinar where we explore best practice teaching approaches for science inquiry skills with Stile.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

’Indigenous perspectives in science education’ panel discussion

Our classrooms are inherently diverse places, but creating an inclusive and equalising learning environment can be difficult at the best of times. To support you in embedding Indigenous perspectives in our science classrooms and to create more inclusive learning environments, we hosted a panel discussion with Bruce Ngataierua and Jordyn Pol. Bruce and Jordyn are passionate educators in their respective cultures and have years of experience in the classroom.

View the webinar recording, audience question and responses, and Bruce and Jordyn’s resources here.

’Revising scientific concepts with Squiz’ webinar

Spaced repetition is easy when you have Squiz. Understanding fundamental science concepts and terminology is essential to being able to engage in deeper scientific conversations. Watch our webinar where we take a squiz at our favourite “Science-quiz” application. Squiz is a fun, spaced repetition app that makes learning the basics a game. We’ll discuss how you can make the most of Squiz and integrate it into your teaching.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

’Creating and editing content’ master class

Extending on our Term 2 webinar covering how to create and edit content in Stile, this time around we’ve taken a detailed and in-depth review of the pedagogical approaches and educational research that underpins creating powerful content. Watch our master class where we interview Stile’s very own Head of Content, Marta Ivkov to gain an insight into the processes used and learn how to write powerful content.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

‘Assessment in Stile’ webinar

Assessment is more than just a test. Watch our webinar where we examine the different forms of assessment in Stile, and teach you some tips and tricks for assessing effectively and efficiently.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

‘Providing feedback to students’ webinar

Timely and high quality feedback within the learning process is a high impact teaching strategy demonstrated to improve student learning. Watch our webinar on how to effectively provide various forms of feedback within Stile to maximise your students’ learning opportunities and quickly and easily address misconceptions.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

‘Differentiating in Stile’ webinar

Differentiated teaching is a high impact teaching strategy but it can be time-consuming to differentiate for each learner. Watch our webinar on how to use Stile’s editing tools to differentiate existing content and setting up your Stile account to cater for a range of student abilities.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

‘National Science Week — How to run an escape room’

National Science Week is fast approaching. To celebrate, we’ve put together a brand new escape room to use in class! Watch our webinar if you’ve never run an escape room before, or want some extra tips and tricks!
If the link is blocked, you can download it here.

Resources: The answer sheet and clue cards are in the teaching notes.

‘Blended learning with Stile’

Blended learning is the combination of digital resources with traditional face-to-face instruction in the classroom. This, in theory, sounds simple but achieving an effective blended learning environment can be challenging. Watch our webinar on the best strategies for creating a truly blended learning environment.
If the link is blocked, you can download it here.

‘Using Stile with limited resources’

Do you teach in a setting where student have limited access to devices or internet? Watch our webinar on high impact teaching strategies related to teaching within these contexts and show you how you can still get the most out of Stile with your students.
If the link is blocked, you can download it here.

‘Effective use of rubrics for assessment’

Evaluation of student performance is imperative to support improvement and enhance depth of knowledge. Watch our webinar on how to effectively use of rubrics in Stile to provide high quality feedback to your students.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

Resources: Find the rubric template here.

‘Life after remote learning: using Stile in the classroom’ webinar

Watch our webinar on how to use Stile in a face-to-face classroom context.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

‘Interactive questioning in Stile’ webinar

Watch our webinar on how to use our Interactive Canvas tool like a pro to promote the use of higher order thinking strategies within your class.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

‘Effective faculty collaboration in Stile’ webinar

Watch our webinar on how to set up your Stile account to maximise collaboration in your team.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

‘Teaching science inquiry skills in a remote setting’ webinar

Science inquiry skills are fundamental to every science education but it can be tricky to develop these in a remote learning environment. Watch our webinar on how to use interactive simulations to teach science inquiry skills, adapt practical activities to suit the home environment and conduct experiments via live video.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

Resources: You can access the Science Inquiry Skills document here which contains links to every practical activity, engineering challenge, simulation, interactive, augmented reality and virtual reality experience in Stile.

Q&A with experienced distance education Stile-ists

Watch our panel discussion with three expert distance education teachers: Geoff Goldrick (Aurora College, AU), Fiona Moore (Te Kura, NZ) and Jordan Anderson (Virtual School of Victoria, AU) on tips and tricks for remote learning (with Stile and otherwise). We’ve collated the key points and insights from this Q&A session here.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

‘Creating and editing content in Stile’ webinar

Watch our webinar on how to use Stile’s tools to create your very own interesting, interactive and collaborative lessons in Stile.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

‘Using Stile to teach remotely’ webinar

Watch our webinar on remote blended learning with Stile in the event of school closures.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

‘Getting set up in Stile’ webinar

Watch our webinar on basic navigation in Stile, including setting up your content, adding students, tracking student progress, customising and leaving feedback. This webinar is designed for those teachers who are relatively new to Stile.
If the link is blocked, you can watch it here.

