Three Simple Breathwork Techniques to Improve Overall Wellbeing

By Lee Mendeloff

Photo by Nhia Moua on Unsplash

The word work might be contained in breathwork, but many breathwork techniques are surprisingly simple. I would like to introduce you to three easy and beneficial practices you can start today.

Photo by mali desha on Unsplash

The first technique is called diaphragmatic breathing or “belly breathing.” This practice is deeply calming and nourishing. In fact, studies have found this type of breathwork increases relaxation, decreases cortisol (the stress hormone) in the body and improves sustained attention with practice.

Your diaphragm is the dome-shaped muscle at the base of your lungs. By using this muscle more effectively you can increase the amount of oxygen you take into your body, which can help reduce blood pressure and heart rate as well as boost your immune response.

We are all born belly breathers. Sadly, as we grow, outside factors such as stress and the desire to have a “flat tummy” break this healthy, natural habit. The good news is you can easily get your body back into its natural rhythm by doing this practice regularly.

The Method:

This technique gets its name from the place in the body where you’ll be directing your breath as you practice — the diaphragm. If it’s helpful, you can imagine inflating your belly gently — like a balloon as you inhale and deflating it as you exhale.

Please always practice breathwork seated or lying down for your safety. Sit up straight with your back supported or lie on your back on a flat surface (or in bed) with your knees slightly bent to relieve pressure on your lower back. You can use a pillow under your head and knees for support, if that’s more comfortable.

● Place one hand on your upper chest and the other on your belly, just below your rib cage.

● Inhale deeply through your nose, directing the air to your lower belly. The hand on your chest should remain still, while the one on your belly should rise.

● Gently tense your abdominal muscles and let them fall inward as you exhale through your nose. The hand on your belly should move down to its original position.

It’s recommended to practice this technique for five to ten minutes two or three times per day.

Creating a regular breathwork habit like this is good for your body and mind!

Next up is a technique called Box Breathing. This practice is excellent for calming the mind, regulating emotions and reducing stress. Research has suggested practicing this type of breathing regularly can help you train your nervous system to respond to stress differently, which can have lasting positive effects on both body and mind.

The Method:

This technique gets its name from the shape of a box, which is even on each of its sides. If it helps, you can imagine building a box with your breath.

Remember, always practice breathwork seated or lying down for safety. Once you get into your preferred position try relaxing your muscles instead of engaging them. Focus on feeling an expansion in the stomach as you inhale, but don’t ever push. Listen to your body and if it feels painful or uncomfortable for any reason, please pull back the practice to make it less intense.

● Exhale fully to prepare.

● Inhale through the nose for a count of four, guiding the breath into the belly.

● Hold your breath at the top of the inhale for a count of four.

● Exhale for a count of four out of your nose, feel your belly gently deflate.

● Hold at the bottom of the breath for a count of four.

This above is classed as one round. It’s recommended to complete four rounds, two — three times daily for best results. The more consistently you practice breathwork the more benefits you will receive!

The final technique is 4,7,8 breath or “relaxing breath” as it is often called. This practice uses a breath hold and an extended exhale to tap into the Parasympathetic Nervous System , which promotes relaxation and calm.

This technique is so relaxing it can help those suffering with insomnia drift off to sleep.

Integrative M.D., Dr. Weil has even gone so far as to say 4,7,8 breath is “like a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system.”

The Method:

This technique gets its name from the length of time each part of the technique takes to complete. The inhale lasts a count of four, the hold for a count of seven and the exhale a count of eight. It is by making the exhale double the length of the inhale that makes this practice so relaxing.

This time, although the inhalation is through the nose, the exhalation is through the mouth using pursed lips like drinking through a straw or blowing out birthday candles.

As before, always practice breathwork seated or lying down in case you get lightheaded. Of course, you could practice this technique in bed to help you fall asleep.

● Exhale fully to prepare.

● Inhale through the nose for a count of four, guiding the breath into the belly.

● Hold your breath at the top of the inhale for a count of seven.

● Exhale for a count of four out of pursed lips for a count of eight.

Once you have done the above you have completed one round. It’s recommended to start with four rounds and then gradually work your way up to eight.

These three easy techniques are the perfect introduction to breathwork and great to have in your stress relief toolbox. We recommend trying one technique for a week and then changing it up to a different one until you have tried all three to see which works best for you. Of course, you can always choose to mix and match. The beauty of breathwork is it’s always in your control!

To learn more about breathwork, and what this empowering, holistic practice can offer you, join my Foundations of Breathwork workshop series.

Stillpoint Spaces is an international hub for the psychologically curious. With bases in Berlin, London, Paris, Zurich, and online, we offer events, workshops, and courses to explore our world through the lens of psychology. We also provide access to counsellors and coaches. For more information please visit



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A Periodical for the Psychologically Curious

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