Can I work on CPT during second Masters?

Stilt Inc.
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2017

If, for some reason, you are looking at the option of completing a second masters in the United States, you may be wondering if you are entitled to work on CPT, Curricular Practical Training, while you are studying. You may have had an H1B visa application rejected and see a second masters as your best option for staying in the United States but are worried about the USCIS regulations around working, either OPT and CPT. In this article, we will try to let you know all of the implications of working during a second masters.

What is CPT? First off, we will tell you exactly what it is. Curricular Practical Training is a type of employment that is carried out as part of an academic course. The work, which is normally in the form of an internship or co-op, needs to be relevant to the student’s field of study and will count as credits towards the overall results. To partake in CPT, you will need to be enrolled as a full time student and also receive approval from the academic department before starting work.

Can I get CPT in second masters? Yes, once you are enrolled as a full time student and in possession of a valid F1 visa you can get CPT. You will have to be enrolled in your course for a full academic year before you qualify for CPT.

With a second masters can I work straight away? No, the time you spend in a previous degree or masters program does not count as your first academic year and you will have to complete three semester before you qualify for CPT. However, if your course stipulates that you need an internship during the first semester, you can avail of the program from the first day of your masters. This will have to be approved by the DSO, Designated School Official.

Can I get OPT on second masters? No, you do not qualify for OPT, Optional Practical Training, if you are studying for a second masters. OPT is only designated once for every level of education. You will get twelve months after a degree, twelve months after a master but, to get a further twelve months, you must complete a PhD. However, if you have not already used your OPT after your first masters or if you qualify for a twenty four month extension by completing a STEM, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, degree, you could still qualify for OPT.

CPT is a program that is put in place to help students achieve their academic qualifications through on site and practical work. This is how you should view CPT at all times. You should not commit to a second masters because you think CPT is a viable option to continue working legally in the United States. This is fraud and could result in the school in question being barred from the program for abusing it. You should consult with your DSO on any CPT issues and make sure that everything you are doing is one hundred percent above board before committing to anything.

Have you had any experience with CPT while studying for a second masters? Do you have any advice for someone who is planning to do it? Let us know your thoughts in our comments section.

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Stilt provides loans to international students and working professionals in the U.S. (F-1, OPT, H-1B, O-1, L-1, TN visa holders) at rates lower than any other lender. Stilt is committed to helping immigrants build a better financial future.

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