
Poetry on love and loss

Nathan Laundry
Clockwork and Clay — a poetry blog


Old Journal, one line art — Dall-E-2


I’ve become
fluent in the silence
that comes
before the storm


You loved me as a needle
runs a thread
through the torn and worn

so deep did you puncture
so long did you run
until the tapestry of my being
was more you than me


I craved your gaze so deeply
that I pulled myself apart
to shower you
in the pieces of me

petal by petal
only to piece myself back together
in the image
of the man
I thought you wanted
to see


Departure was etched into your irises.

long before I’d met you
you’d set a collision course with ruin.

How it broke me
to realize
our love could only hold you from it
for so long.

