We continue telling you about our innovative STIPS|Oculus platform

You’ve learned about 9 types of data that will be accumulated and processed on the platform. Today we will talk about trade signal channel aggregator and analysis of token distribution across wallets.

Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2018


Trade Signal Channel Aggregator

There are also plenty of projects in the network that give their trade advice on various assets (so called trade signals). With the help of our community we will create a database of such information sources, then using semantic analysis (it is planned to use IBM Watson NLU Text Analysis) we will sort this information by types (trade signals, market analysis, etc.) and provide it in a structured way to STIPS Oculus users with the indication of the information source. Thus, there will be a single feed of all signals on each project.

Blockchain Use Dynamics (for Smart Contracts)

For the blockchains that can be used by third parties for service provision (for instance, so called smart contracts), we will collect all information about such sister projects.

First, all our users will see the list of all sister projects.

Second, on the basis of this information we will generate the smart contract use index to compare different projects.

Third, we will store and show dynamics of this index. Thus, any Oculus user will be able, for instance, to see sharp growth of a blockchain use at a given moment.

We also plan to collect information about blockchains that projects use to hold an ICO and about currencies they accept. This information will be aggregated and applied to a price graph. For instance, surge in price of Ethereum in 2017 is often associated with the large number of ICOs using either its blockchain for their own smart contract or accepting payments exclusively in this currency. After having applied this information to a price graph STIPS Oculus user will check or reject this theory and will probably use it further in his/her trade strategy.

Analysis of Token Distribution Across Wallets

With our own blockchainnodes we will be able to collect statistical data on each wallet for any time period.

We will offer our end users the feature of viewing token distribution in blockchain across wallets in the form of a user-friendly report. This report will show the volume of total emission stored in the largest wallet, the volume stored in the ten largest wallets (TOP10), in the hundred largest wallets (TOP100), and in the thousand largest wallets (TOP1000). On the basis of this information Oculus user will be able to draw conclusions about distribution of tokens and relevant risks (if a large volume of tokens is in the hands of one person, it means a potentially high risk of exchange rate drop, if the owner wants to sell them).

In addition it will be possible to view both history and current data. Thus, the user will see dynamics of token distribution.




Analytics platform providing a fundamental analysis of cryptocurrencies