We are glad to introduce our new advisor — George Han

Published in
1 min readOct 10, 2018

He has advised over 12 companies in their Initial Coin Offers campaigns and now support STIPS|Fintech with focus on the areas of token economy, strategic marketing, business development and investment.

With his experience he has facilitated the raise of several millions for these ICOs from his network of investors across Asia.

Before his involvement in the blockchain arena, George had spent several years managing the incubator of a reputed global university. During his tenure, he has helped over 500 startups in their business plans development and oversee the creation of 80 tech startups in the Fintech and Ecommerce space.

He has deep interest in the issues faced by start-ups specifically with regard to founders’ execution capability and the development of minimum viable product, both of which he considered to be critical issues in the success of startups.




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