We keep telling you about our innovative development of STIPS|Oculus

The platform is designed to solve fundamental problem that is to make information simple and accessible as well as to ensure reliable and smart investments. Earlier this monthwetoldyouabout 6 types of data that will be accumulated and processed on the platform.

Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2018


Today we will talk about another three data types:

HR Activity

We will also collect information (with the help of our community) about all participants of all projects. We will collect information about staff members as well as advisors. All these records will be associated with certain dates. Oculus user will be able to view company staff and its history. For instance, staff growth and employees who left a project.

Other information that may be useful is information about participation of staff in different projects. There will be a record on each employee and advisor with the history of his/her participation in various projects. This will allow to see if a person participated in a scam project before.

On the basis of this data two internal indexes will be generated: the staffing index of a certain project to assess, if all the key competences are covered in a project or there are missing positions and the reliability index of a certain person.

Roadmap History

With the help of our community we will collect information about roadmap of each project. At the same time we will keep all of its revisions. With the help of our community and our own algorithms we will receive information about roadmap revisions. It’s pretty difficult to assess these changes automatically, however, we will provide this information to any STIPS Oculus user to perform his/her own analysis. In addition our user will have the opportunity to apply roadmap revision dates to a price graph to analyze dependance.

ICO Rating Aggregator

There are plenty of services in the network that rate ICO projects in general or just rate their reliability. We are going to use our own facilities to aggregate all such services and show a single table of all ratings on each project (token). Also, based on this and other data, we will generate our trust index.

STIPS|Oculus user will be able to filter a list of all projects by this index that is, for instance, to see all projects rated 8 and higher.

The community will not participate in this process, since ratings will be chosen automatically. We will need the help of our community only to form a list of such services (adding new service).




Analytics platform providing a fundamental analysis of cryptocurrencies