Write for Us

How to submit your story to StirCrazy!

Maria Schuessler
2 min readApr 4, 2020


Social distancing, closures, cancellations, and quarantines have been on everyone’s minds and cooking has become an outlet for many who are spending time at home. StirCrazy! is a publication to share stories about food, cooking, and community in the time of the coronavirus pandemic.

We are looking for great content from writers around the world.

StirCrazy! wants to learn how living in social isolation has changed your relationship with cooking, food, and the people around you.

Submission Guidelines

Please keep your submissions to this format:





No. of days in quarantine:

Quarantine happy hour drink of choice:

Ideal quarantine partner (real or imagined):

Most ambitious cooking project attempted:

What has staying at home taught you about cooking? Describe a typical day of cooking in during this period, your favorite meal that you’ve cooked, your failures, attempts, and the lessons you learned (or didn’t learn)

Submit your drafts to stircrazy.magazine@gmail.com

Past Articles

We look forward to reading your stories!



Maria Schuessler

Music Product @ TikTok | Former Full-Stack Dev | Editor of StirCrazy! Mag | London-based | skippingcustoms.com