Japan says that Trump has warned that war with North Korea may be imminent

As Donald Trump’s armada steams toward the Korean Peninsula, Japanese media makes us all slightly less comfortable about this state of affairs…

stirlo space
1 min readApr 12, 2017


The Shingetsu News Agency today reported that Japan’s government had been warned by the Trump administration that they are “considering launching a military attack” on North Korea. No other English-language sources have reported this yet, but we can expect more information as it is translated. The Japanese Foreign Ministry has also warned their citizens in South Korea to remain alert in case of military action; South Korea’s most populous city is within range of a ridiculous amount of North Korean mortars, visible from many parts of the city. Estimates are that Seoul could be ruined in minutes by a barrage of shells if this is allowed to occur. Other scenarios are unlikely, the North Korean army uses very outdated tanks and tech, and their ground forces are weak and some reportedly do not even have their own rifles or guns!! Their drone program is “high school level” so heavy armour is their best option; if they cannot get their nuclear missile or weapons delivered some other way.

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