How Kyra TV changed the digital media game and captured a super engaged audience

Marine Danchaud
Published in
4 min readSep 7, 2018

You’ve probably heard of the digital series “PAQ”, “Bad Canteen” or “Greatness”. All these video shows are produced by Kyra TV, a new age UK video producer. In the last months, it managed to create itself a unique brand identity and and win the hearts of an overly engaged young audience by swimming against the tide. This post is about Kyra TV’s recipe to success.

Dex, Shappa, Danny and Elias

Kyra TV was founded 16 months ago by 4 friends: Robbie, Nick, James and Devran. Their current vision is to become a global entertainment network aimed at Generation Z. Even though that sounds super ambitious the company is actually on the right track to achieve this goal. You’ve surely came across their flagship show PAQ which promotes men’s streetwear fashion and has an insane growth in their number of viewers.

Devran explained that this success is partly due to the hard study of the industry that was made prior to the launch. They particularly spent a lot of time analysing YouTubers, their content and their relationship to brands.

How is this video producer changing the world of digital media?

  1. Going back to the roots with the format

First of all, they took the risky bet of going for long format episodes at an age where everyone on Facebook is going for 30 seconds videos to reach higher number of views. What they realised was that even though the view count is appealing, it’s not the right way to develop a devoted audience. Thanks to this strategy, Kyra TV creates a deep connection with its viewers and gets record breaking numbers for a digital media. For example the average watch time per view is 17.5 minutes.

Kyra also didn’t make the mistake of creating its own platform as the only place where they would share their content. Instead they went where engagement is the highest: YouTube and Instagram.

Another point on which Kyra’s founders insisted is that they wanted to re-create the kind of relationships they had as kids with their favourite TV shows. In order to do that, they decided to have recurring time and dates of publications. For example if you want to watch PAQ, new episodes come out every Thursday at 8pm

2. Generating top quality content

Having longer videos and putting them in the right platform isn’t all it takes to gain a committed audience. Kyra TV also makes sure that its content is always premium, positive and aiming at making people feel good. In order to connect even better, the emphasis was put on the show’s hosts and their style/personalities. Danny, Dex, Elias & Shaq from PAQ are also famous as separate entities!

We’ve arrived at an age where people get tired of semi-hidden advertisements and product placements and here again Kyra played the right card. They decided to go all in and be super transparent on any occurring partnerships with brands. In exchange for promoting certain brands to their viewers, they create top quality content that remains super entertaining. The crazy thing about this transparency is that because of it they almost have no negative comments from viewers on the fact that they are generating promotional content. It is a virtuous circle as this sponsored content is so well received that brands feel safe working with Kyra. Kyra has already partnered with major brands like Adidas, Puma, Levi’s, Hugo Boss, Spotify etc.

PAQ Converse Shoot

To summarise, there is a clear need for longer top quality content rather than short uninteresting videos. That’s where Kyra TV played all the right cards and managed to fulfill the needs of young people. They also found a model in which transparency made brand promotion entertaining and enjoyed! In the end this has a positive impact for all parties and generates a record numbers in terms of engagement.

By the way stay tuned because they are launching a new female show at the end of September and it is going to make their number of YouTube subscribers explode (they have 354k at the moment!).

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