Money without borders

STK Token
STK Token
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2017

It’s been a week since we announced our Token Generation Event and we’ve received a tremendous amount of support from around the world, confirming the global demand for instant cryptocurrency payments at points of sale.

We are inspired by the borderless nature of cryptocurrency, and it’s been a big part of our universal approach to personal finance. People from more than 50 countries have registered for our Event, and we love the fact that our STK token will provide a common platform across them all.

Despite our global vision, we’ve made the tough decision to exclude Canadian and U.S. residents from participating from our Token Generation Event (TGE), and we’ve had some questions around the reasons for this.

The lack of clarity around TGEs from the relevant regulatory bodies in both countries makes it too difficult to include Canadian citizens in our Event, and we won’t put anyone in a situation where they are exposed to ambiguous and unstable regulations.

We believe cryptocurrency has a future in North America, and we’re seeing a groundswell of support that can’t be ignored for much longer. Canadian and U.S. businesses, government leaders and industry ambassadors are lending their voices to the cause, and we expect it won’t be long until regulations become more favourably defined in this emerging market. Until then, our obligation is to protect our Canadian and U.S. friends from this ambiguity.

An important distinction is that while Canadian and U.S. residents aren’t eligible to participate in the TGE, they will be among the first to use the STK token within the STACK app. The STACK app, a mobile wallet app is currently in private beta and will launch in Canada later this year, followed by a U.S. roll out in Q1 of 2018. The first implementation of the STK token will be within the STACK app, which means that Canadian and U.S. residents will be the first to have access to instant cryptocurrency payments at point of sale.

Capital raised from the STK TGE will enable a swift expansion into international markets next year. The more capital we raise, the faster we can build and deliver our product.

No matter where you’re from, we’re working on a solution that is free of borders and barriers. Visit us at for more on our plans or to connect with us on any of our community channels. We’d love to hear from you.



STK Token
STK Token

A new cryptocurrency for instant payments at point of sale.