STK Progress Update: October 12, 2018

STK Token
STK Token
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2018

Another big week for us, our partnership with Twitch is here! We took notice of how excited you were about the announcement in our last AMA, and are thrilled to offer you up to $20CDN in Twitch Bits to cheer on your favourite streamers. We know our community loves gaming and Twitch, so it’s our way of rewarding our gaming enthusiasts. This is a limited time offer, so get your Twitch Bits now! This past weekend, our Blockchain Developers also took off to Silicon Valley to participate in ETH San Francisco, the world’s largest Ethereum hackathon, and won top sponsor prizes! Read on for more about their experience and what we’re working on.

For a limited time only, get up to $20CDN Off Twitch Bits, visit for more details.

Recent Progress:

Smart Contracts Security Audit & Smart Contracts

  • Working on audit fixes


  • Refactor return token endpoint
  • Transaction detail endpoint


  • Running both bitcoin daemon and lightning daemon from within docker containers, working on giving the lightning container access to bitcoins rpc server


  • Our CEO, Miro Pavletic, was invited to speak on the panel at the MasterCard SMART Conference in Austin, TX alongside Chris Newkirk from Capital One, hosted by Raj Seshadri from MasterCard on the topic, ‘the Future of Banking.’
  • Over the weekend, our Blockchain Developers, Thomas Lui and Nat Chin, participated in ETH San Francisco. Prior to the event, they had to some time to explore the beautiful Bay Area & venue and connected with fellow participants and mentors. They ended up joining forces with new friends, Brandon In and Peter Hulst, to create LendingParty. Lending Party is a completely end to end solution for a user to receive a Fiat loan from collateralized cryptocurrency without an intermediary. The team ended up winning the MakerDAO prize for best use of the Maker API, Bloom prize for Best Use of Bloom Protocol in Lending, and Wyre Grand Prize for building on the Wyre API and SDK. Read more about their big win in detail here.
STK Blockchain Developers, Thomas &Nat with friends and teammates, Brandon &Peter celebrating their big win at ETH San Fran.
  • The ‘STACKATHON’ continues as we will be running our own Hackathon on November 24–25 in our office in the Distillery District. The focus for STACKATHON will be level two-scaling solutions, including sharding, state channels, side-chains, and more. Interested in participating? Apply here.

That’s it for now, we’ll see you in two weeks with more to report! As always, join the conversation anytime on Telegram, Twitter, Discord and Reddit. To download the app and claim your Twitch Bits, visit the STACK website.



STK Token
STK Token

A new cryptocurrency for instant payments at point of sale.