Candy Man 2.0

Jordan Marie Mansfield
SMC Sports Journalism
3 min readMar 18, 2019
Casey Candiotti, Photo by Jordan Mansfield

Growing up in the baseball world, Casey Candiotti has been pitching for as long as he can remember.

If you look onto Louis Guisto Field, you will see a big number 49 on the wall and if you turn towards the Away team’s dugout, you would see “Candiotti Corner.” Both of these signs are not for Casey, but for his dad, Tom Candiotti, who played for, Saint Mary’s Baseball Team in 1979.

Candiotti Corner at Louis Guisto Field, Photo by Jordan Mansfield

Although there are huge reminders of his dad all around the field, Casey tried to not really pay attention to it at all.

“I don’t worry about it, this is my own life,” Candiotti said. “Playing baseball not trying to be like my dad. I am just trying to be my own self.”

Last year Candiotti was redshirted and unable to play his first year at Saint Mary’s. Being redshirted during his first year was not the best experience. It was good because he was able to focus on school and get stronger as an athlete. However, he did miss out on the traveling, practices with the team, as well as being in the dugout during games.

Although Candiotti was unable to play for Saint Mary’s during his first year, he was able to play Summer Baseball for the Nashua Silver Knights in New Hampshire. While playing for the Knights, he was really able to experience what it was like to pitch against college hitters. This allowed him to get more innings and reps in.

Summer Baseball gave him time to practice before the start of the Saint Mary’s season in the spring.

Casey Candiotti pitching for the Nashua Silver Knights, photo by Dona Candiotti

This year Candiotti is all healed and ready to pitch for Saint Mary’s.

“Finally being able to play at Saint Mary’s and experience what it was like to be on the team, instead of just watching from the sidelines makes me feel more a part of the team,” Candiotti said.

He was not the only one that was redshirted last year; Marc Goulart, another sophomore, also sat out. The two got really close from working out and watching games together.

“Casey is just that guy that you always want to be around,” Goulart said. “He put in 110% on and off the field and is supporting the team all the time.”

Casey is not the only Candiotti that will be attending school here; his brother will be joining him in the fall. They were a tag team in high school since Clark Candiotti was Casey catcher making them a great brother dynamic duo.

Having this brother duo made for a very strong pitcher-catcher relationship. From pitching at home or at practice the two learned how to work together getting a better sense of want the other one needed. Even though they were a great duo on and off the field, they are brothers and there were times that they did get into it with each other.

The Dynamic Duo Casey and Clark Candiotti

Although his brother is transitioning into being a pitcher, Candiotti is still really excited that his brother will be joining him on the field again. Since they come from a family line of pitchers their is a higher expectation for them.

Saint Mary’s seems to be the school that they are drawn to, first their dad Tom, then Casey, and now Clark. At the start of his first year, there was a higher expectation as his whole family seems to play here, but he got that notion out of his head very fast.

“People at the start did have higher expectations for me, but at the end of the day have to ignore it and do your own thing,” Candiotti said.

At the end of the day, it is really just about playing baseball. Casey just wants to focus on the game and staring his own legacy here at Saint Mary’s.

Casey can’t wait to see what this season has to offer.



Jordan Marie Mansfield
SMC Sports Journalism

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