Creating a Legacy

Ayalew Lidete
SMC Sports Journalism
2 min readMar 18, 2019
The crest from the quarter zip all the players wear. Photo by Ayalew Lidete

Saint Mary’s College of California men’s club soccer team is on a mission to be the first team in the club’s history to not only have back-to-back undefeated seasons, but ending the season as two time club champions.

“We’re just continuing off last year success,” said senior midfielder Perry Kolias. “Everyone is doing their part and yeah we’re just gelling.”

Large part of this year success centers on the emergence of their captain junior Tyler Carino. The team has gone through three team captains all lost to significant injuries.

“Ever since Tyler put on that captain band on, he has been truly leading by example,” Kolias said.

When one watches Tyler play they not only see the vigor in which he plays with, but also the tenacious attitude which rubs off on to the team. In a game against Chico State, where it was pouring rain, Tyler scored the first goal in 30th minute and then continue to control the tempo of the game which conclude with the club winning 2–0.

“What Tyler does on the field is not something you find in the stat sheet,” said junior forward Daniel Czornyj. “You really gotta watch him play to get a sense of what kind of player he is.”

Tyler’s relentless play is not the only thing effecting the team’s chemistry, it is also second year coach Jamie Kelley. Ever since coach Kelley has inherited the team two years ago the team has lead the club to back-to-back league championships and one undefeated season.

“Ever since we have had coach Kelley we play more with not only purpose but we are more strategically sound,”said Kolias who has been on the club team for four years. “The difference is night and day how we played my first year on the team comparing to this year, It’s so enjoyable and rewarding to see how far we come.”

For this group made up of free spirited and determined players achieving this feat means everything to this group.

“Yeah coach Kelley really lets us have an input and say what goes on within our group, when we are on the field we just out there to have fun,” Kolias said.



Ayalew Lidete
SMC Sports Journalism

SMC’19. A mathematician who has accepted the fact that sports is not everything in his life, but the only thing.