From Rugby Rookie To A Killer On the Field

Jenny Ridley
SMC Sports Journalism
2 min readMar 18, 2019
Elizabeth Murphy. Photo By Jennifer Ridley

Moraga, Calif. Woman are just as capable of being a force on the field of a male-dominated sport, such as rugby.

A lot of the time in sports, they focus more on the male side of things and they rarely pay much attention to the female counterpart. A great example of that would be here at Saint Mary’s College of California with there rugby teams. A lot the time when you hear about rugby on campus or outside of campus, it is about the men’s team and how they are doing particularly.

Which is for the most part understandable with there standing nationwide, compared to every college in their division. The men’s rugby team is said to one of the top teams being placed at number 3 in their division across the unites states, they are thought to when the championship this year.

However, a lot of people seem to forget that there is the woman’s rugby team here at St. Mary’s and who are just as good on the field. Since the beginning of the season, their record has been filled with non-stop wins and probably the best they have doing in years past. Looking at there stats for the season so far, you see their 10–1–1 record.

This displays that the woman’s team are just as dominant on the field as the men’s team. Which leads to one of the star players of the team, Elizabeth Murphy. She is the definition of going from a rookie to one of the best players on the team. Murphy started her sports career in middle through high school playing sports, that is completely different from rugby.

In middle and high school she played basketball and from there on for the rest of her high school career, she decided to play volleyball. Then after high school, she decided volleyball wasn’t the game for her anymore. Elizabeth came to that conclusion, due to wanting to focus on her college career.

A year ago, Murphy decided she wanted to get back into sports and try something she has never done before rugby. In the beginning, it was tough for her to find her edge in the game. It took a minute to find her footing, but she did after putting in so much hard work.

It’s been a year plus since Murphy joined the team and she has done a total 360 transformation. Liz has become one of the best players on the team in just a year, which proves the underdog always rises to the top.

“ I put in a lot of work to be where I am at in such a short amount of time and I plan on kicking butt the rest of the season so we can get this win,” said Murphy



Jenny Ridley
SMC Sports Journalism

Hi, I’m Jenny! Welcome to my sports Twitter Account for my Comm-123 Class. I am a 21 year old senior at St.Mary’s College of California!