The Greatest Comeback Yet

Savannah Fox
SMC Sports Journalism
2 min readApr 24, 2019
Tiger Woods. Photo by Keith Allison

The pro golfer who was seemingly nearing the end of his career, just shocked the world.

On April 14, 2019 Tiger Woods made what is arguably the greatest comeback in sports history and won his fifth Masters. This puts him in second place of the Masters leaderboard of most wins, with Jack Nicklaus in first at six wins.

Looking back at the GOAT’s past, he has struggled in recent years with many serious injuries. Between 2002 and 2015, Tiger has suffered from 14 different injuries. These have ranged from shoulder injuries, pinched nerves in his back, ACL tears, and torn achilles.

Tiger has the second most PGA wins, with 81, yet he had not won a major title since 2008 until this Masters. He did so in quite the dramatic fashion really, as he was trailing throughout the first 54 holes.

It came down to the last few holes, where Woods finally finished one stroke ahead of his competitors. Praise sounded off as he had just done what many believed was impossible.

It was an emotional scene as Tiger congratulated his competitors and embraced his family as he made his victory walk to the clubhouse. To face so much adversity from injury, and to come back and win after many had counted him out, so humbly might I add, it is only fitting that it be named one of the greatest comebacks of all time.



Savannah Fox
SMC Sports Journalism

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