Top 5 Sport Media Moments

Nicole DeJesu
SMC Sports Journalism
4 min readMay 8, 2019
Marshawn Lynch locker room interview. Photo by Anton Stetner

How do fans get the inside scoop of their favorite teams or players? Through the media.

From the start of sports, media has been reporting on players and games from the moment the ball gets put into play. As reports of games are the most important thing, it’s the interviews with the players or coaches that stick out. Reporters or even the players sometimes can make a typical interview more interesting or even funny. The following interviews are the top 5 funny or best media moments in sports.

#1. Marshawn Lynch “I’m just here so I won’t get Fined” Moment

At the time of this interview Marshawn Lynch was playing for the Seattle Seahawks, who happened to make it to the Super Bowl in 2015. Lynch has a love- hate relationship with the media. According to NFL contracts, players are required to make themselves available to the media. Lynch already had $50,000 in fines against him for not following the NFL media guide lines. If he did not show up to this media day the league would have fined him an additional $500,000 if he was absent.

Lynch was able to fulfill his requirement from just answering all the questions with his one line he had. Since then, this moment has become very popular in sports. Many of Lynch's fellow players have agreed with him on in using this response towards interviews.

#2. Riley Curry makes her interview Debut

The Curry’s have become a well known family within pop culture and the sports community. As Stephen Curry has grown up in the NBA since his father was involved in the league, when it comes to doing press interviews Curry is a natural. This type of skill set is something that he has passed on to his oldest daughter Riley.

In this interview, the Warriors point guard was having a typical press conference about game 1 against the Houston Rockets in 2015 for the Western Conference Finals. Only 2-years-old at the time, her dad pulled young Riley up to the podium as he tried to answer questions. What came next was a viral sensation of a toddler just being herself.

Some reports say that this was unprofessional for Steph to do, since the young Riley was distracting during the interview. But social media and basketball fans still remember this moment between father and daughter. Since time has passed from this interview Steph has some time to reflect on this and actually regrets having Riley up on the podium.

“If I could take it back, I probably would,” Steph Curry said. “Just because my goal is just to give my kids the best chance at success and seeing the world in a proper way. Trying to give our kids the best chance to be successful and have a normal life.”

Even though there may be some regrets from her father, this interview has become popular for the Curry’s.

#3. Any interview with Craig Sager

Legendary sideline reporter Craig Sager brought humor and genuine kindness to his interviews. Sager was a sideline reporter for TNT network for the NBA for more than 30 years. His interviews with players and coaches always came with a quick roast session, which Sager always took like a champ.

Sager was mostly known for his choice in clothing. His suits were always meant to stand out so the players and even the audience can easily identify him. With this type of style and humor Sager was able to bring a lightheartedness to the serious sport of basketball.

Sager’s attitude and reporting style touched many players and viewers alike. When he passed away in December 2016 from cancer the NBA felt the loss on the court. The colorful and joyful interviews maybe no more but the spirit of Sager still lives on.

#4. Allen Iverson talking about practice

The 76er’s point guard Allen Iverson was a person who was not afraid to speak his mind. In particular the interview where he talks about his lack of attendance at practice has gained a lot of popularity over the years. Iverson is talking with a lot of emotion to why he keeps on getting questions about practice and why is this question the most important?

At the time what many people do not know about his rant stemmed from a lot of held in emotion. After losing in the first round of the playoffs, a possible trade to another team, and his good friend being shot dead left Iverson to this now iconic interview. The famous saying is practice makes perfect which some reporters like to talk about during interviews but for Iverson he thinks otherwise.

Throughout the interview, Iverson is believed to have said the word practice at least 14 to 22 times. With continue reputation on his side, Iverson made a point on his view of practice and the interview which 17 years later people still remember. After all is just practice!

#5. Klay Thompson shy with side reporter Kerith Burke

Klay Thompson the most interesting Warriors player to interview so far. Thompson has had his fair share of viral interviews but this one with sideline reporter Kerith Burke is probably one of the most talked about. During half time Burke asked Thompson on an update of how the game was going so far against the Sacramento Kings back in December 2018.

Thompson is known for being awkward or just weird during interviews but this one in particular takes the top spot for most awkward interview by the Warriors shooting guard. Maybe this stems from the family tree, Klay’s father Mychal Thompson also has an interesting twitter feed where things tend to not make sense. By the evidence of his interviews, Klay is just a player who cares about what goes on the court not worrying about the media.



Nicole DeJesu
SMC Sports Journalism

Full Time Student @ St Mary’s College (CA). Love to read & write about things that are interesting.