April 2019 — STO Market Report

Published in
1 min readMay 9, 2019

This week we published our first monthly report, providing an overview of the key trends of STO fundings which occurred in the month of April.

Summary of our study:

  • April saw the highest number of offerings funded so far this year
  • FinTech is the most active industry
  • Equity type offerings are most popular
  • All fundings were from US based issuers
  • Ethereum continues to be the preferred blockchain

Read the full report

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Disclaimer: This publication is for informational and educational purposes only. It does not offer investment advice nor should it be construed as investment advice. The information contained in this publication is not, and should not be read as, an offer, recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any securities. Data shown is sourced from STOs on our database which is either public information or by confirmed sources. Although reasonable care has been taken, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any data we publish. Before making any financial decisions please undertake your own due diligence and seek professional advice.

