Create Passive Income Through Stock Photography Using Your Phone

Passive Income Strategy — Stock Photography

Casey Botticello
Stock Photography


stock photography, passive income stock photos, stock photos passive income, passive income stock photography, medium money
Source: Casey Botticello of Passion Economy Guide

Selling Your Photos as Stock Photography

Do you like photography? Do you have a smart phone with a camera? If so, you may be able to convert your photos into a passive income source.

Photography websites such as Shutterstock provide you with platforms to sell your photos. They may offer either a percentage or a flat fee of each photo that is sold to a site client.

In this way, a single photo could represent a residual income opportunity, since it can be sold again and again. You simply need to create your photo portfolio, upload images to the photo platform, and then the activity becomes completely passive. All the technicalities of photo sales are handled through the web platform. You simply collect a check (or PayPal payment) each month for the royalties you receive on your photos.

