This Discord Stock Trading Group Is Helping People Rake In Large Gains

Move over WallStreetBets, there’s a new hangout spot for passionate traders looking to beat the markets

Aaron Lester
Stock Trading
6 min readSep 18, 2021


Photo of the author, Aaron Lester

You might not believe it seeing my portfolio now, but stock trading wasn’t always my thing. I dabbled with the markets here and there, but usually when I started making too many trades, it led to me losing money. I was close to giving up and just giving my money to a financial advisor to manage until my retirement. But that all changed after I met Spud.

As a bartender in New York City, my income was dramatically affected by the pandemic. I had to find a way to make more money until things started to return to normal, and I had no idea how long that would be. Luckily, thanks to a chance encounter one night while I was working, I met Spud, and with his help, I was eventually able to quit my job as a bartender and become a full time trader.

The night I met Spud, I was working the bar, and he was telling me about his paid stock trading discussion group called SpudZone. He said it was a place where he taught people about stocks and futures trading, and shared with his 17,000 plus members the trades that he personally was watching and entering himself. At the time, I was an awful trader, but I was working hard to study and become better. Spud sent me an invite on the mobile app Discord, where he hosts this group, and I immediately began taking in all of his teachings and strategies.

Over the course of the last year, and with Spud’s help, I have taken my knowledge and my trading account to a new level. I’m beyond grateful, and because of Spud, I was finally able to quit my job as a bartender a live a life of freedom as a full time trader, making way more than I ever could have imagined. I’ll never forget when Spud looked me in the eyes the day I met him and said to me confidently, “You’ll quit this job one day and do day trading for a living just like the rest of the team.” It’s people like Spud who want to see everyone win who really do make a difference in this world.

My story isn’t a unique one in SpudZone. As you scroll through the testimonials, you’ll see the thousands of lives that Spud has changed. Every day I see new members post about how they have been able quit their jobs, upgrade their cars, or buy their first homes. It’s inspiring, and none of them could have done it without Spud and the incredible community he built.

Who is Spud?

When I first heard Spud’s story, it immediately captivated me. It’s a true testament of what is possible for anyone willing to put in the time and effort.

Spud began his journey over 7 years ago as a broke college student trying to make some money, and today, he’s the most followed person on WeBull, a Twitter-like social media platform for stock traders. With over 54,000 followers, people watch his every move as he shares the stocks he’s watching each day and talks about his entries and exits. It’s not often we get an inside look at what a millionaire trader is thinking and doing each day, but with SpudZone, a paid discussion group on the app Discord, myself and thousands of others are able to do just that.

When I check SpudZone each morning, I’m searching for advice, tips, and signals. Every single trading day, Spud shares a list of the stocks he is watching and shares what plays he is personally making. As the day goes on, he makes predictions based on what he sees from the charts, and if he seems confident with a short-term day trade, I will usually follow, throwing a couple hundred dollars in to the stock. I’m still amazed how many times it plays out exactly the way Spud predicted it would, and I exit with a nice profit and move onto the next trade.

When Spud was laid off in early 2020 due to the pandemic, it set off the lightbulb that it was time to trade full time. He took $15,000 he had saved up, and turned his full time focus into trading stocks. This was something he had been studying and doing on the side for years while working his day job, and he had become very good at it. Being laid off gave him a chance to go all in on this passion of his, and I would say it worked out pretty well. Spud quickly turned his $15,000 into over $2,000,000 in less than a year, all while documenting every single trade to his many followers and earning the trust of thousands. Word quickly began to spread about this new community that was changing people’s lives every day.

When I first joined the SpudZone Discord group, I didn’t really know what to expect. There’s a free section when you first join that has the group rules, a pretty active chat section, and a ton of testimonials from people who joined the paid section. These testimonials flood in every day, with people talking about their results since they joined and how much they recommend spending the $19.99 to upgrade to SpudZone premium.

I scrolled through hundreds of these testimonials and couldn’t find anyone who said it wasn’t worth the $20. After asking a few questions in the free chat section, and talking with a few of the members, I made the decision to pay the $20 and upgrade. Why not? It’s the price of 2 coffees at Starbucks, how could I go wrong?

I immediately knew I made the right decision. SpudZone is organized into more than 25 channels focused on stock alerts, options alerts, watchlists, 1 on 1 tutoring and education, and and a section dedicated to general questions about trading. Recently, Spud even launched a YouTube channel where he shares play-by-play videos that detail what went into a specific trade and what his thought process was behind it. The insights I’ve gained are incredible, and I feel like I’m actually learning how to trade myself, not just blindly following a guru.

The people in group are awesome too from the moderators to the members. Spud has invited some incredible traders to join in as moderators who also share advice, so you’re learning from a mix of people who specialize in different areas. Even the members have amazing insights each day, and it’s so cool to hear their stories about how SpudZone has changed their lives. You have to read some of these stories for yourself to believe them, but it’s so cool to hear the feel good stories of what this group has done for so many.

I’ve been in a lot of trading Discord servers before, and the biggest difference with SpudZone is how hands on he is. He really cares for everyone’s success, and goes above and beyond to help the community. He teaches not only his strategies, but also how he formulated them so you can learn on your own and build upon it. He’s super transparent when he’s in and out of positions, which I really appreciate because I am not yet an expert myself.

Theres also this guy HarmonyTrades who is an options guru. He’s an incredible day trader who makes consistent 50–100% returns a day on contracts when the market is volatile. He explains his thought processes very well, and help me a ton with my options trading.

The group is great because there are thousands of active members, in it. (17,686 active members as I write this article). There’s always active conversations going on any time of the day, where people mention almost every popular stock and how it’s moving throughout the day. It’s like a live newsfeed where I can learn a ton and get active news alerts right away.

If you’re on the fence about paying $19.99 for something like this, I get it. If you’re like me, you might have tried before and felt like it just wasn’t worth it. But I urge you to join the Discord by clicking HERE and checking the free section out for yourself. Talk to the members, read the testimonials, and look around at everything you can. This group is different because Spud is different. While other groups are charging $100 a month, Spud has promised to never raise his price above $20 so new traders just starting out can afford to get started. Make this small investment in yourself, put the time in, and watch how it changes your life.



Aaron Lester
Stock Trading

Bartender from New York who became a full time stock trader thanks to SpudZone!