Full of Emotions; Thank You to the Stockade FC Community for an Unforgettable 2021 Season

Dan Hoffay
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2021

Stockade FC Community,

After a heartbreaking loss, I found myself with many emotions. Funny enough, those emotions weren’t sadness. Yes, of course, we had high hopes and thought we deserved more from this season but I am so incredibly proud of our team and of our community. We fought until the very end, together! And because of that, I am extremely prideful and grateful.

To the players — thank you! We are proud of each and every one of you. As we’ve said from the start, everyone has a role in this family. You may have expected yourself to have a bigger role, and that doesn’t mean you won’t in 2022! We can’t wait to watch so many of you compete this fall, and will be ready to go back to battle with this group next year!

Celebrating our penalty kicks win over NY Shockers in the Conference Semi-Final on Wed. July 14, 2021 [Terri McAleer Photography]

To the staff — bigger and better! We continue to grow as a unit and I’m proud to be part of this group.

+ Nick Hoffay, our Director of Scouting, who put together a top of the table caliber team in under 2 months as we waited for the official green light.

+ Jamal Lis-Simmons, Jimmy Ventriglia and Rory Becker, our coaches, who have created an atmosphere and energy at training that helps our players grow, come together and love their time with the club.

+ Steve Domino and Mike Drake, our goalkeeper coaches,who brought together a massive GK group and worked together to have them all ready for game action.

+ John Nunez, Dr. Justin Conway, Feldman PT and Crystal Run Medical, I have no words to express my gratitude for all the work you put in for our players.

Nick Hoffay (left), Jamal Lis-Simmons, Jim Ventriglia (right) and I [Terri McAleer Photography]

To the volunteers — this club would be nowhere without you. This community is special and each and every one of you remind us of that on a daily basis. The tireless work of Kale Kaposhilin and his stream team, the organization and willingness to help in any phase of the game of Mike and Shana Circe and Vanessa VanBurek, the drive and connections of Marjorie McCord and Chris Masters, Terri McAleer who shares her photography skills with us and always captures the perfect moments! These volunteers make our club run!

There are many, many more that I could name. Thank you to all of you. Thank you for your endless support of this club.

Pre-Season Staff Meeting at Keegan Ales

To the supporters, to the Dutch Guard — I hope you all know how much this club loves you. Your never ending support for us, traveling to away matches, singing and drumming for 90+ minutes a game; you drive this team, you make us better. We love you. You are the literal heart(drum)beat of our club.

Loud, Loyal, Orange! The Dutch Guard [Terri McAleer Photography]

To Dennis Crowley — thank you for bringing me along for this ride! It’s been more than I could have dreamed of and I can’t wait to continue to build this club.

Dennis and I with the 2017 Conference Championship Trophy!

Time to reflect on 2021 and areas we need to improve. Our recruiting and scouting process starts now!

Thank you for your never ending support!


Dan Hoffay, Technical Director

Always a family! Always together! [Terri McAleer Photography]



Dan Hoffay

Technical Director of @stockadefc and @stockadefcyouth | Coach | Educator