Our second battle field: Why I’m becoming a climate activist

Sorosh Tavakoli
The Stockeld Dreamery Blog
2 min readOct 14, 2021

I just hit send on this email below to all our team members at the Dreamery. It’s a big deal for me personally and I hope we can gather proper support and momentum ahead of COP26. Next Friday Oct 22nd we will demonstrate at the Fridays For Future in Stockholm at 13.00 at Mynttorget, marching towards Vasaparken.

If you want to join us, please do(!), write to us on Instagram or drop an email to Daniel Skavén Ruben.


Hi team,
Yesterday I celebrated my 39th birthday. One of the best perks of getting older is that one increasingly gets to be true to oneself. I’m personally on this journey constantly trying to better listen to my inner voice. During the last years I have had a climate activist voice, getting louder and louder, trying to be heard and asking for action. I’ve now decided to take action, to write this email and try out being a climate activist, for real. I’m so proud of the work we are all doing everyday at the Dreamery, it really matters. And now I’m hoping you will join me on this journey as well!

On Oct 31 one of the most important events of our time will happen: the COP26 in Glasgow. The objective is to set new rules and commitments by the 197 states represented to ensure we stay below 2C global warming in order to avoid making our planet a terrible place for life as we know it.

As you probably know by now, we are nowhere near achieving this goal. We need to act more bold and decisive across every dimension possible, if we are to avoid disaster.

Friday 22nd there will be a global demonstration arranged by Fridays for Future which was started by Greta Thunberg not wanting to go school before grownups took her generation’s future seriously. Me and Anja are planning to participate and we want to engage as many people as possible to give ourselves, our fellow citizens, entrepreneurs and politicians the courage to take the bold actions needed.

This is NOT a company / corporate event and you are not expected to represent Stockeld at this demonstration. Participation is completely optional. If you are to join, please join because YOU want to be there. Feel free to bring your children, dogs and encourage your friends to join.

Everything as we know it is at stake and what is needed is Dreamers and Doers. And next Friday we put the cheese aside and gather around our Stockeld to fight on a different battlefield for continued life on this amazing planet of ours. For me nothing could be more important and fulfilling.

Daniel has setup a Slack channel where we can plan and mobilise further.

I love you



Sorosh Tavakoli
The Stockeld Dreamery Blog

Founder & CEO Stockeld Dreamery | Founder of Videoplaza (sold in 2014) | Based in New York.