💡Trade Ideas — $AMZN, $AAPL, $V, $CMG, $NVDA

Thomas Mann
All Things Stocks


January 28, 2017

Need some trading ideas to get the week started? This is my weekly issue for January 29 — February 2 with various financial and trading summaries to generate ideas.

FYI — Headings with underlines indicate a link is available for further research. Calls (predicted trend up) and Puts (predicted trend down) are options underlying a stock or ETF.


Equities were up last week as volatility began to appear. Technology and Healthcare sectors were up the most. Consumer Goods was down as uncertainty for many retailers continues.

What follows are trends overall going into next week. The Performance and Overextended scans are pointing to continued bullishness this week, but volatility is approaching as bearish indicators increase.

Earnings Calendar

Earnings season is at its peak this week with many opportunities. Be sure to review next week’s possibilities below as well.

Earnings 2/5 to 2/9/18





IPO Calendar

$HUD 1/31/18

$CAAP 1/31/18

$CEPU 2/2/18

$FTSI 2/2/18

Economic Calendar

Reports this week include Personal Income, Consumer Confidence, Farm Prices, Mortgage Applications, Pending Home Sales Index, FOMC, Motor Vehicle Sales, Jobless Claims, PMI Manufacturing, Construction Spending, Natural Gas, Fed Balance Sheet, Money Supply, Consumer Sentiment, and Factory Orders.

Financial News

The Fed meets in the FOMC this week. Rates are expected to stay the same.

This earnings season has seen more beats then misses. Analysts expect the trend to continue this week. $AAPL $AMZN $BABA $GOOG and $FB report this week.

The president’s state of union is this week, and many investors are looking for the infrastructure spending plan details.

Crypto currencies remain a hot topic as ICOs continue largely unregulated and new business forms shape to take advantage of the possibilities.

Trade Ideas

$ AMZN— Amazon.com Inc.

Suggestion —Buy $1,405.00 2/2/18 Calls; Last $45.70x$46.30

$AAPL — Apple Inc.

Suggestion — Buy $172.50 2/2/18 Calls; Last $3.35x$3.45

$V — Visa Inc.

Suggestion — Buy $126.00 2/2/18 Calls; Last $2.38x$2.51

$CMG — Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc.

Suggestion — Buy $330.00 2/16/18 Calls; Last $15.40x$16.30

$NVDA — Nvidia Corp.

Suggestion — Buy $240.00 2/16/18 Calls; Last $11.25x$11.50

Toohightoolow Tickers

Here are stocks to watch that are either very oversold (too low) or overbought (too high). Be sure to look for technical crossovers to identify trend turning points.

Calls (too low)


Puts (too high)


Strong Uptrends


Favorite ETFs

ETFs are a bundle of assets with a particular theme. What follows are ETFs with nice option volume with estimated trend for the week.






This is not an investment advisory, and should not be used to make investment decisions. Information in Thomas Mann’s posts are opinionated and should be considered for information purposes only. No stock exchange anywhere has approved or disapproved of the information contained herein. There is no express or implied solicitation to buy or sell securities. The charts provided here are not meant for investment purposes and only serve as technical examples. Don’t consider buying or selling any stock without conducting your own due diligence.



Thomas Mann
All Things Stocks

Passionate about family, business, investing/trading, and MBA topics. Auditor by trade and trader by heart. Quick posts for inspiration. Twitter @MBATMann