Parsing Financial Data from PDF to a Pandas Dataframe Using Python

PDF to Pandas: Financial Data Extraction

Sebastien Callebaut
3 min readMay 31, 2023


Extracting relevant information from different file formats is a common challenge. PDFs are one such format that often contains valuable data, but parsing them can be tricky. We will explore how to extract financial data from a PDF and convert it into a structured pandas dataframe using Python.

To parse financial data from a PDF file and convert it to Pandas, we will follow these steps:

  1. Use Python’s PyPDF2 library to load and read the content of a PDF file.
  2. Leverage the tabula-py library to extract tables from PDF pages.
  3. Combine the extracted tables into a single pandas dataframe using the pd.concat() function.
  4. Apply data cleaning techniques, such as removing duplicates or handling missing values, to ensure data integrity.
  5. Utilize pandas’ powerful data manipulation capabilities to further process and analyze the financial data.
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

1/ Requirements

Before we get started, ensure you have the following dependencies installed:

  • Python 3.x
  • PyPDF2 package
  • Tabula package
  • Pandas package

Install Required Packages Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following commands to install the necessary packages:

pip install PyPDF2 tabula-py pandas

2/ Import Required

Libraries Now let’s begin by importing the required libraries in our Python script:

import PyPDF2
import tabula
import pandas as pd

3/ Load and Read the PDF

To parse the PDF, we need to load and read its content. Assuming you have the PDF file in the same directory as your script, use the following code:

pdf_path = 'financial_data.pdf'
pdf_file = open(pdf_path, 'rb')
pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(pdf_file)

4/ Extract Tables Using Tabula

The tabula-py library provides a convenient way to extract tables from PDFs. We can iterate through each page of the PDF and extract the tables. The extracted tables will be stored as a list of pandas dataframes:

tables = []
for page_num in range(len(pdf_reader.pages)):
table = tabula.read_pdf(pdf_path, pages=page_num + 1, stream=True)[0]

5/ Concatenate Tables into a Single Dataframe

Since financial data might span multiple pages in a PDF, we need to concatenate the extracted tables into a single dataframe. We can achieve this using the pd.concat() function:

df = pd.concat(tables, ignore_index=True)

6/ Data Cleaning and Exploration

At this point, we have the financial data from the PDF in a pandas dataframe. We can now perform any necessary data cleaning and exploration operations. For instance, let’s assume the dataframe has columns named “Date,” “Description,” and “Amount.” We can print the first few rows of the dataframe as follows:


7/ Further Data Processing

Once we have the data in a dataframe, we can leverage the power of pandas to further analyze, manipulate, and visualize the financial data. You can use various pandas functions to filter, group, aggregate, and plot the data according to your requirements.

Your Turn!

Parsing financial data from a PDF and converting it into a pandas dataframe can be a valuable skill in data analysis and finance. In this blog post, we explored the steps involved in extracting financial data from a PDF using Python. We used the PyPDF2 and tabula-py libraries to read the PDF and extract tables, respectively. Finally, we concatenated the extracted tables into a single pandas dataframe, enabling further data exploration and analysis. With these techniques, you can unlock the potential of financial data contained in PDFs and gain valuable insights for decision-making.

We hope this blog post has provided you with a useful starting point for parsing financial data from PDFs using Python and pandas. Happy coding!

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It is important to keep in mind that this article is not intended as specific investment advice, but rather serves to educate investors about potential investment strategies and tools. As always, it is essential to conduct thorough research and analysis before making any investment decisions, and to consult with a professional financial advisor or broker if necessary.



Sebastien Callebaut

Using data and coding to make better investing decisions. Co-founder of