Solve Problems Early

Nip it in the bud.

Ann Rickert Leach
Let’s Talk About… Stoicism
2 min readJul 6, 2023


Image created by Ann Leach.

“There is no vice which lacks a defense, none that at the outset isn’t modest and easily intervened — but after this the trouble spreads widely. If you allow it to get started you won’t be able to control when it stops. Every emotion is at first weak. Later it rouses itself and gathers strength as it moves along — it’s easier to slow it down than to supplant it.” — Seneca, Moral Letters, 106.2b-3a

We know it’s best to nip bad behaviour in the bud, before the habit sets, but how often to we follow through?

It is so easy to make an excuse this time and promise ourselves we will deal with it next time.

This is true of our own vices and for those of us who are parents, our children’s.

How often have we said:
My child is only young.
Their cheekiness is cute!
It isn’t really a problem.
They will grow out of it.
I’m too tired.
I can’t be bothered to follow through right now.
I deserve this treat.
I’ll make a better choice tomorrow.



Ann Rickert Leach
Let’s Talk About… Stoicism

Book author and article writer, Unplugged Fun owner; Outdoor & physical activity enthusiast, Living best life adventurer, Curious learner