Are Thucydides’ Values Applicable in The Modern Era?


Statue of Thukydides in front of the Parliament of Vienna (Austria)

Thucydides can be considered one of the most influential figures of Ancient history and despite the fact that he died over two millennia ago, his values and beliefs are explained thoroughly and respected by the new generations, up until this day. The problem is, are they applicable?

The Greek historian was born in Alimos around 460 and 455 BC, he was an aristocrat and proved that he was a prominent writer from the first decades of his life. At the young stage of his career, the Peloponnesian War (431–404 BC) began, between the troops of the Peloponnesian League in Sparta and the Delian League in Athens. Despite the fact that both powers entered the war with great potential, the aftermath was more damaging than expected and it is arguable that it reshaped the next decades of the Ancient Aegean world, due to the considerable and long-term weaknesses for both sides. Additionally, the war opened the door for Greece’s annexation by Philip of Macedon, who would be followed by Alexander the Great and, finally, the Romans.

The 27-year war paved the way for Thucydides to start perfecting his writing skills and completing his book, entitled “History of the Peloponnesian War”, which was published after his death. Thucydides claimed that he managed to include everything that happened in the war, considering its significant and astonishing…



Ioannis Dedes
Stoicism — Philosophy as a Way of Life

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