Question Everything: Who We Are Is Usually Someone Else

Are You, You, Or Are You Everyone Else?


Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash

Who are you really? Are you compiled of your own ideas and beliefs, or ideas you’ve adopted along the way from others?

Something I love about stoicism is how it never ceases to encourage its pupils to question their beliefs, character, philosophies, and behaviors.

As a habit, I’m cautious about adopting the ideas of others. I’m also not gun hoe about forcing others to adopt my beliefs. Furthermore, when others share their beliefs and opinions with me, I’m comfortable with disagreeing and standing by my beliefs if their beliefs don’t align with the values I stand by.

So many of us easily adopt mainstream messages because, well, we are taught to do this from the first day of kindergarten.

Think for yourself, and then question those thoughts and beliefs, too. Why do I feel this way. Does it make sense. Does it serve myself and others well?

Things We Adopt Without Question

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