Struggling to be a Stoic Problem Solver?

It’s Time to use King Solomon’s Solution


The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are. — Marcus Aurelius

Think back to the last time you had a problem. Can you think of something? My guess is the answer is… ‘yes’. My second guess is, you didn’t have to think too far back.

We’re so damn good at problems; and by that I mean having them, not solving them. Now anyone who’s working in the field of psychology, mentoring or coaching, knows something important about problems; and it’s this…

The problem or dilemma, in large part, is solved (or not) by the types of questions we ask. That means both the questions we ask as therapists and those we ask ourselves when we have an issue to solve.

Of course, Socrates was onto this with his Socratic questioning techniques; the purpose of which was to challenge the accuracy and completeness of thinking, so truth and wisdom prevail. Intelligent questions, lead to intelligent answers; the trouble is we’re often too steeped in our emotional mire to discover what they are. However, new research by The University of Waterloo has provided a process that…



Linda Bebbington
Stoicism — Philosophy as a Way of Life

I’m a psychotherapist & coach helping you with dating, confidence, relationship fixes & healing heartbreak. Book a free chat at