What Do Burglars Want in Your Home?

What robbers want — and a four-legged way to reduce threats

Don Simkovich, MA
Stone Cold Crime Stories


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What in your home is vulnerable if a break-in happens? What are thieves looking for?

According to the FBI’s Crime Data Explorer database, the top items stolen in California in 2020, the most recent reporting year are:

  • $ 1.2 billion in stolen vehicles — with a value recovered of $ 800 million
  • $ 229 million in jewelry and precious metals — with a value recovered of $ 3.8 million
  • $ 193 million in currency and notes — with a value recovered of $ 7.8 million
  • $ 101 million in clothing and furs — with a value recovered of $ 4 million

In greater Los Angeles, crime reports from the Los Angeles Police Department for Jan. to October 2021 show burglaries down 9.1% compared to 2020, but motor vehicle theft is up 9.7%.

Overall, violent crimes are up 5.8% while all property crimes are up 0.9%.

Keeping Home and Family Safe

What are the best ways to reduce the threat of robberies at home?

  • Keep property well lit, especially around doors
  • Use a video system
  • And bring a pure bloodline…



Don Simkovich, MA
Stone Cold Crime Stories

Don is co-author of the Tom Stone Detective novels on Amazon and writes content for businesses. Visit Don Simkovich Amazon.