Eco-Friendly Products in India

Aniket Dogra
Stone Paper Scissors
3 min readOct 10, 2019

Single-use plastic got banned in India on 2nd October 2019. This created a problem for most of the people who were using plastic products. This created a need for eco-friendly products in India. We see plastic bags, plastic packaging and plastic utilities all around. What we fail to see is how much plastic we use without ever noticing.

The simple regular pen we use every day is made up of plastic. Now imagine how much plastic we are collective using because each one of us uses at least 4 pens per month. There is an option to reuse the plastic pen by replacing the refill but 90% of us do not do that. For a pen worth Rs.10/- ($0.2), it is not worth buying a refill. Keeping this in mind, Stone Paper Scissors came up with the idea of Recycled Paper Pens. Yes, the pens made from recycled paper and cardboard. Only the refill is made of plastic which reduces the plastic content by 95%. This Eco-Friendly pen also contains seeds at the end, wrapped up in cellulose (not plastic), which can be planted when you are done using the pen. So, just by replacing your plastic pen with an eco-friendly pen, you can contribute towards the environment in multiple ways.

Not just pens, they also tried to replace Wooden Pencils by Eco-Friendly Pencils made from used Newspapers. The Newspaper Pencils again help the environment by dealing with the paper waste we are generating and also but replacing the wood and helping trees to stand tall. Newspaper Pencils solve the problem of the very short life of newspapers and give them a new innovative life. The pencils contain the same Graphite lead giving it the same darkness, strength and durability as of the wooden pencils.

As they say — First Read…Then Write. You first read the newspapers and then use them to Write replacing wood by 100% in pencils.

Buying Individual units is not feasible for users. Thus, after intensive surveys, they have the concept of GREEN BOX which is again a recycled cardboard box which contains-

  • 5 Pens
  • 5 Pencils
  • 1 Silicone Wrist Band

to spread the message of sustainability and build a community of Climate Saviours.

To buy this iconic GREEN BOX in India you can directly message them on

Instagram (they reply really quick) —

Buy from their website —

They also make custom boxes for corporate gifts, Diwali gifts, Conferences or any other occasion. What are you waiting for? Join the movement and replace your stationery by the GREEN BOX. Buy Eco-Friendly Products in India Now!

