LA City Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Kevin de Leon, and Gil Cedillo Must Resign

Alex Paris
2 min readOct 10, 2022


LA City Councilmember Nury Martinez. YouTube/ Los Angeles City Council

LOS ANGELES — On Sunday, an article was published in the Los Angeles Times reporting on leaked audio of Los Angeles City Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Kevin de Leon, and Gil Cedillo, and LA Labor Federation president Ron Herrera, making horrifying racist comments and apparently attempting to tilt the redistricting process against their adversaries on the Council.

The racist comments include offensive, derogatory terms and attacks on City Councilmember Mike Bonin’s young Black child, and jokes about committing violence against his child. These comments included a shocking display of corruption as they threaten to aggressively gerrymander districts belonging to Bonin, who is referred to with demeaning and homophobic. language, and Councilmember Nithya Raman. They also attack LA District Attorney George Gascon for being “with the Blacks.”

Knock LA has published some of the leaked audio.

These comments and the shocking display of backdoor dealings are corrupt, cynical, racist, and beneath the dignity of the City of Los Angeles. This toxicity and ugliness are not welcome in our political discourse, are not aligned with Stonewall’s values, nor are they aligned with the values of the Democratic Party.

Gil Cedillo recently lost his re-election campaign, but he, Martinez, de Leon, and Herrera must take true accountability and resign immediately.

We are joined by:

Miracle Mile Democratic Club

Feel the Bern San Fernando Valley

Richard Matthews, President of the North Valley Democratic Club*

  • for identification purposes only



Alex Paris

I am a writer and producer for features, branded media, developing adaptations, and original feature-length concepts.