Stonewall Democratic Club Calls for Removal of President Trump and Senators Cruz and Hawley Following Capitol Insurrection

Nico Brancolini
3 min readJan 11, 2021


Josh Hawley, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)

The Stonewall Democratic Club passed a resolution on Thursday calling for the removal of President Donald Trump as well as the resignations or expulsions of Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Missouri Senator Josh Hawley for their collective roles in inciting the unprecedented attack on the US Capitol building. To the horror of the nation and the world, a right-wing mob stormed the Capitol to disrupt the certification of the Electoral College results. The ensuing chaos caused at least five deaths, significant injury and damage to people and property, risked national security and undermined the foundational democratic values of this country.

Justice demands accountability. Cynical leaders like President Trump, Senator Cruz, and Senator Hawley intentionally propagated lies and conspiracy theories of voter fraud and election theft. The attack on the Capitol was the direct consequence: an insurrection aimed at undermining the peaceful transfer of power following a free and fair election. Each of these elected officials has sworn an oath to “defend the Constitution… against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” All have unambiguously violated that oath.

Leah Millis/Reuters

More than 60 lawsuits brought in federal, state, and the Supreme Court examined the issue along with Trump’s own Justice Department and each independently concluded there was no widespread or systematic voter fraud. Nevertheless, Trump, Cruz, and Hawley spent months knowingly lying in service of their own power and ambition. The morning of certification Trump himself instructed the mob to descend on the Capitol while Cruz and Hawley offered praise and rhetorical support. This destructive behavior cannot go unpunished.

Congress may remove the President and prevent him from seeking future office under its impeachment powers. Similarly, the cabinet in concert with Congress may remove the President under the 25th Amendment. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment provides that no elected official “shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against [the Constitution].” Using these and all other available tools, Trump, Cruz, and Hawley must face sanctions for the death and destruction they have wrought.

There must be consequences for undermining democracy or this week’s insurrection invites only greater abuses. If President Trump and Senators Cruz and Hawley will not resign, the rest of our elected leaders must be prepared to use their full constitutional authority to hold them accountable.

Founded in 1975, Stonewall is the nation’s oldest LGBTQ+, feminist, and progressive political group. It serves as a powerful grassroots non-profit political organization for progressive LGBTQ+ Democrats and straight allies seeking to effect political change.

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Nico Brancolini

California based attorney and writer specializing in electoral politics and the law