Stoop Recommends: Luke Clerkin

Community Stoop
Stoop Community Blog
2 min readJul 15, 2019
Welcome to Stoop Recommends, where each week, a member of the Stoop team is featured on our blog, sharing their go-to spots in the City. Whether it’s a must-do activity in your neighborhood, famous landmarks to visit or food and drink recommendations, Stoop Recommends will point you in the right direction.

“Fanelli — my favorite eatery in New York City” — Luke Clerkin, Stoop Photographer

Serving up cheap drinks and pub grub since long before SoHo became SoHo, Fanelli could be your first and last stop on any given night, its casual setting is a great place to break the ice between you and your new crew.

“As one of the oldest bars in the City, they’ve been serving great bar food and even better pints since 1847.”

During the transition of SoHo from a manufacturing area to an artistic community, Fanelli served as an assembly place for artists. Between their old-school beef or char-grilled bison burgers, to their breakfast and sandwich specials, you can’t go wrong at the classic cafe.

“It’s right in the heart of SoHo, and you can’t beat their combination of good food and good vibes.”

Located on the corner of Prince and Mercer Street, Fanelli Cafe is between a 20–30 minute walk from Stoop residences in the East Village, Lower East Side, Tribecca and Meatpacking districts.

It’s a perfect hangout spot…

“I can go there by myself and quietly read the news, or grab a big table in the back corner with a group of friends and have just as good of a time,” Clerkin concluded.

Not only is SoHo open to fashion forward trends, but it also happens to be a great place for eateries, per Luke’s recommendation.

By Michael Ellick

