The Importance of Community

Community Stoop
Stoop Community Blog
3 min readJul 24, 2019

What does community mean to you? Take a second and think about it. The meaning and value of community differs from person to person.

Communities are unified bodies of individuals who share common personal and professional interests. We recognize communities as neighborhoods we grew up in, schools or summer camps we’ve been to, or places we’ve worked.

Community is more complex than a simple collection of people.

The communities we tend to gravitate toward, both personally and professionally, consist of like-minded people who make us feel included, uplifted, encouraged, inspired and supported. As humans, we are naturally eager to find places to fit in, and that sense of belonging is a driving factor in forming relationships.

Co-living is a modern form of housing where residents share living space and a set of interests, values and intentions. It’s a new take on an old idea, imagined by a millennial generation that values things like openness and collaboration, social networking, and the sharing economy. Co-living allows you to have the freedom to collaborate with others outside of your 9–5 day job. It will broaden your community and urban living experience in ways you did not think were possible. While also improving your social life, your wallet will thank you as well.

“Even if you would consider yourself an introvert, co-living can still accommodate your hesitations or anxieties of moving in with strangers.” -Live Anywhere

The purpose of these communities are to create environments that motivate its residents to be energetic creators and contributors in the world around them. Environments like these cultivate teamwork amongst tenants and the extended community. Co-living and co-working enable structured lifestyles through sharing and efficient use of resources and space.

For those who want a comfortable environment that simultaneously supports them in living with purpose and intention, co-living is for you.

Co-living is not just for a certain type of person. Whether you are a professional, maker, entrepreneur, artist or creator, you can experience the perks of co-living.

Stoop residents unite around common interests such as collaboratively managing a space, sharing resources and attending curated activities which creatively and intellectually contribute to their surroundings. Stoop offers private bedrooms and full apartments that accommodate more than just your living needs, in addition to curated community events for our tenants to increase connections with the broader community and world.

By Michael Ellick

