Go to Stop Clearcutting CA
Stop Clearcutting CA
Our mission is to educate and engage the public, lawmakers and regulators in California about the damage caused by widespread industrial clearcutting, as well as advocate for alternatives to clearcutting for the long-term sustainability of forest ecosystems throughout the state.
Note from the editor

Our mission is to educate and engage the public, lawmakers and regulators in California about the damage caused by widespread industrial clearcutting, as well as advocate for alternatives to clearcutting for the long-term sustainability of forest ecosystems throughout the state.

Go to the profile of Denise T
Go to the profile of Jennifer Normoyle
Go to the profile of Mason Inumerable
Go to the profile of Kia Murdoch
Kia Murdoch
J.D., Environment Advocate.
Go to the profile of Alex Dashuta
Go to the profile of Meghan Michel
Go to the profile of Anna Kasradze
Anna Kasradze
Policy & communications associate at NYU Law’s Institute for Policy Integrity. I’m interested in how lawyers can serve justice movements.
Go to the profile of Karen Maki
Go to the profile of Irene Lee
Go to the profile of Jennifer Normoyle
Go to the profile of Jill Poskanzer